Purple glowing background, an outline of a human emanating light.

Are You an Ambivert, or Just an Empath?

September 02, 20244 min read

Are You an Ambivert, or Just an Empath?

One of the most important realizations I had in my 40s was that I’m an ambivert. If you’re not familiar with the term, an ambivert is someone who falls somewhere in between being an introvert and an extrovert. We can thrive in social settings, but we also need time alone to recharge. For years, I oscillated between being the life of the party and the cranky hag who wanted nothing more than to be left alone. I’d always thought it was just my mood swinging, but as I delved deeper into self-awareness and astrology, I began to understand the true dynamics at play.

in the middle a wheel of the 12 signs of the zodiac, 2 fish on the left and the Pisces symbol to the right

You see, I can easily appear extroverted when I’m out and about. I’m that person who will compliment a stranger on their hair, shoes, or their outfit — whatever catches my eye. I genuinely love fashion, but what I love even more is lifting people up. There’s something magical about spreading positivity, about brightening someone’s day with just a few kind words. But here’s the catch — “peopling” often drains me. When my social battery is low, I transform into someone even I don’t recognize. If I’m not at least 90% charged, socializing feels like running a marathon with no training.

As I studied astrology more intensely, I realized this wasn’t just about introversion or extroversion. My Pisces Ascendant (rising sign) plays a huge role in how I navigate the world (as everyone’s ascendant does). Pisces is a water sign, deeply intuitive, always feeling out situations energetically, and that’s where the real story begins. It’s like having an emotional radar that’s always on, constantly scanning the environment and picking up on the energies around me. This is a survival mechanism, something I developed early on to navigate the world, but over time, it became a way of being that is incredibly draining if you’re not conscious of it — like an app running in the background that’s slowly draining your phone battery.

The first breakthrough came when I started practicing what I call “psychic hygiene.” In my interactions with spiritually aware groups, I noticed something intriguing: some people were psychically protected, and I couldn’t “read” them the way I could others. It was like hitting an energetic wall. This discovery was a turning point in understanding my empathic tendencies. I realized that I was constantly absorbing the energies of others, often without even realizing it, and this had a profound impact on me both physically and socially.

This realization opened a window into understanding how these tendencies affect not just myself but also my clients. Pisces is a porous sign, the sponge of the zodiac, always ready to meld with others and absorb whatever is in its vicinity. It’s a beautiful, compassionate energy, but it comes with a major downside — an almost complete lack of boundaries. This is especially true if you have Pisces prominent in your chart, like a Pisces Moon or Ascendant. Without boundaries, you’re left vulnerable to emotional and energetic overload. All water ascendants and Moon signs have these tendencies and abilities, but Pisces is the extreme.

So, how do you deal with it? The key is in developing strong psychic hygiene practices. This might include things like grounding techniques, setting energetic boundaries, and regular self-care rituals that help you cleanse and recharge your energy. It’s about becoming aware of when you’re picking up on someone else’s energy and learning to differentiate it from your own. Over time, you can learn to protect yourself without shutting off your empathetic nature, allowing you to interact with the world without feeling constantly drained.

In understanding my ambiverted nature and the role of my Pisces Ascendant, I’ve learned that balance is everything. It’s okay to be that person who loves to connect and uplift others, but it’s equally important to know when to retreat and recharge. It’s about finding that sweet spot where you can give of yourself without losing yourself in the process.

So, are you an ambivert, an empath, or both? Maybe it’s time to dive into your own chart and see what secrets it holds. You might be surprised by what you discover. You can check out your chart here. Remember to be kind to yourself, and keep your battery charged.

Tracy Quinlan is a consulting contemporary astrologer and Acutonics Sound Healing Teacher and Practitioner. She lectures, teaches, mentors and writes. You can read her Horoscopes in the past 4 Llewellyn Astrological yearly Calendars.

Tracy Quinlan

Tracy Quinlan is a consulting contemporary astrologer and Acutonics Sound Healing Teacher and Practitioner. She lectures, teaches, mentors and writes. You can read her Horoscopes in the past 4 Llewellyn Astrological yearly Calendars.

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