White goat eating yellow wild flowers in a meadow

Endings & Beginnings

July 18, 20245 min read
The astrological chart calculated in placidus house system, and using the tropical zodiac

On July 21st, we are graced with a rare celestial phenomenon—a second Full Moon in Capricorn in 30 days, illuminating the skies at 29 degrees and 11 minutes. This Moon not only marks a period of closure and culmination but does so at the anaretic, or critical, degree of Capricorn, amplifying its significance in terms of the themes of our mystical goat.

The Sabian Symbol for 29 Capricorn

According to Lynda Hill's website, the Sabian Symbol for this degree is "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference - This Symbol shows meeting with others in order to lay out plans; to have “Secret” meetings of people, people that are often VIP’s in some way or, at least, in charge of decisions or governments or empires. The “Directors” meet, they conference or just conference call, exchange views, ideas, gossip. There may be decisions to be made or plans to be laid out. Do you make all your decisions on your own, or do you need help? You can often call on the relevant knowledgeable friends or authorities, as you’re bound to know them or how to meet them, and you’ll iron out the details. Sometimes, however, you may feel shut out by those “in charge”.

Masterly control. Sharing innermost secrets. Confidential information. Big guys. Calling the shots. Governments and secret spies. Strategies. Having a say. Councils. Doors.

Excluding those affected by decisions. Exploiting people or situations. Being kept in the dark. Gossip. Loose lips. Refusal of entry. The glamour of big business."

The potency of this message is magnefied by the Sun moving in to oppose Pluto at zero degrees Aquarius. There are power plays, secrets, lies ... This is a wild chart.

The Significance of Anaretic Degrees

This Full Moon occurs at the anaretic degree, a point that symbolizes both an urgent call to action and the need to resolve unfinished business. With five planets at anaretic degrees during this Full Moon, the urgency is multiplied, pressing us to make pivotal decisions, finish out cycles, and prepare for new beginnings. Each planet at this critical degree thrusts us toward maturity in its represented areas, from personal identity to how we communicate and assert ourselves in different areas of our lives.

Astrological Dynamics of this Full Moon

  • Neptune Trine the Sun in Cancer: As the Sun opposes the Moon from the nurturing waters of Cancer, Neptune’s trine introduces a fluid, imaginative counterbalance to Capricorn’s rigidity. This aspect allows us to dream a little bigger about our career aspirations, encouraging solutions that blend pragmatism with intuition. One of the Main themes of Neptune transits has to do with our faith. Following your intuition to avoid being deceived is often at the core of our Neptune lessons.

  • Mars in Gemini Trine Pluto in Aquarius: This aspect between Mars at the beginning degree of Gemini and Pluto at the start of Aquarius fosters a dynamic burst of energy conducive to initiating transformative actions. It’s an excellent time to strategize revolutionary changes, especially those involving communication technologies or community initiatives. With Pluto dipping back into Capricorn one last time, we'll all be given a glimpse of what isn't working from the old goat's paradigm.

  • Jupiter in Gemini Sextile Venus in Leo: This pleasant aspect brings a light-hearted, expansive energy to our social interactions and creative expressions. As Venus in Leo craves recognition and affection, Jupiter’s influence magnifies desires, pushing for a grand expression of love and creativity. The nature of sextiles can be so subtle that we can miss the opportunities they offer, so with the intensity of the rest of the astro energy, we can benefit from looking for the silver lining.

  • Mercury in Leo Square Uranus in Taurus: The dynamic tension created by this aspect will inject an element of unpredictability into our communications and thought processes. Mercury in Leo desires to express ideas boldly and dramatically, while Uranus in Taurus disrupts with sudden shifts and unexpected challenges to our values and material world. This aspect can lead to surprising revelations or abrupt changes in plans, urging flexibility and a creative approach to problem-solving. While this energy can be jarring, it also opens the door for innovative ideas and breakthroughs in how we express and handle our resources, encouraging us to think outside the box and be open to new ways of interacting and presenting our ideas.

Six Ways to Work with This Full Moon

  1. Reflect on Closure: Identify which areas of your life need resolution or completion.

  2. Embrace Critical Decisions: Use the anaretic degree’s push for decisiveness to make those tough choices you've been postponing.

  3. Plan Forward: Start laying the groundwork for future endeavors that will begin after this lunar cycle.

  4. Integrate Creativity & Have Faith: Allow Neptune’s imaginative rays to influence your practical affairs. Connect to your intuition and have faith in yourself and your guiding force.

  5. Celebrate Achievements: Recognize and rejoice in the accomplishments you’ve made, particularly in professional realms.

  6. Be Flexible: The fixed nature of the signs the planets are in can have us dig in our heels. This would be the worst way to deal with obstacles. Be firm in your boundaries, but be open and listen. Getting stuck in your ideas and defensive of your ego-self will not lead down a positive path.

Five Affirmations for the Full Moon

  1. "I am ready to complete the old and embrace the new with courage and clarity."

  2. "Each decision I make aligns perfectly with my long-term goals."

  3. "I release what no longer supports my highest purpose, making room for fresh beginnings."

  4. "I trust my intuition to lead me on the right path."

  5. "I am grateful for my progress and open to the abundance still to come."

This second Full Moon in Capricorn is a powerful time for finalizing, decision-making, and preparing for new challenges. By understanding and utilizing the energies at play, you can navigate this period with wisdom and emerge more prepared for the future. Remember to be kind to yourself and others as we all navigate this dramatic time of change.

Tracy Quinlan is a consulting contemporary astrologer and Acutonics Sound Healing Teacher and Practitioner. She lectures, teaches, mentors and writes. You can read her Horoscopes in the past 4 Llewellyn Astrological yearly Calendars.

Tracy Quinlan

Tracy Quinlan is a consulting contemporary astrologer and Acutonics Sound Healing Teacher and Practitioner. She lectures, teaches, mentors and writes. You can read her Horoscopes in the past 4 Llewellyn Astrological yearly Calendars.

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