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New Moon in Taurus: Embrace Stability & Grounded Energy

May 05, 20245 min read

“Energy and Persistence conquer all things.” - Benjamin Franklin


Welcome to the New Moon in Taurus! With the lunar cycle unfolding before us, we're diving into the rich energies of the Bull, where stability, abundance, and grounded energy take center stage. On May 7th at 9:21 PM MDT, the New Moon graces us with its presence, offering an opportunity to manifest our desires and cultivate growth in the earthly realm. Join us as we delve into the practical magic of Taurus season and harness the power of this lunar phase to sow the seeds of prosperity. 🌑✨

🌑✨ New Moon in Taurus: Embrace Stability & Grounded Energy ✨🌑

It's that time again – a new lunar cycle is upon us, and this time it's the New Moon in Taurus, perfecting on May 7th at 9:21 PM MDT. So, buckle up and get ready to ride the waves of celestial energy!

This New Moon takes place at 18 degrees and 2 minutes of Taurus, casting a serene glow over our lives and inviting us to delve into the depths of this earthy sign. Taurus, known for its love of stability, sensual pleasures, and steadfast determination, sets the tone for this lunar phase, encouraging us to ground ourselves in the present moment and embrace the beauty of simplicity.

One of the standout aspects of this New Moon is the harmonious sextile between the Sun and Moon with Saturn in Pisces. This celestial alignment infuses our intentions with a sense of discipline and long-term vision, urging us to lay down solid foundations for our dreams to flourish. It's a time to commit to our goals with unwavering dedication and trust in the process.

Meanwhile, Mercury dances its final tango with Chiron in Aries, bringing healing and closure to any lingering wounds or insecurities. As we embrace the wisdom gained from our past experiences, we're empowered to speak our truth with courage and authenticity, paving the way for greater self-expression and emotional well-being.

On the love front, Venus, the planet of romance and pleasure, glides into her own sign of Taurus, infusing our relationships with a touch of sweetness and sensuality. It's a time to indulge in the finer things in life and nurture our connections with tenderness and care. Whether single or coupled up, let Venus guide you on a journey of self-love and appreciation for the beauty that surrounds you. Starting a gratitude practice during this new Moon can lead to tangible material manifestation, so consider adding this to your daily routine. 

And let's not forget about fiery Mars, blazing a trail through its own sign of Aries, igniting our passions and driving us to take bold action. With Mars by our side, we're encouraged to pursue our desires with courage and confidence, trusting in our inner fire to propel us forward. With all of the current astro energy, it's definitely a time to depend on your intuition and gut feelings rather than logic.

As Pluto continues its retrograde journey, retracing its steps through Capricorn for the last time, we're reminded of the transformative power of letting go and releasing what is no longer working for us. It's a time to shed old skin, embrace our inner strength, and rise from the ashes like a phoenix reborn.

So, dear friends, as we bask in the glow of the New Moon in Taurus, let's embrace the gifts of stability, grounded energy, and sensual delight this lunar phase brings. May we sow the seeds of our intentions with faith and perseverance, knowing that the universe is always conspiring in our favor.

Through it all - remember to be kind to yourself! xoxo

image of stream, mountains and spring flowers

Here's a 10-point checklist for working with the New Moon in Taurus:

Here is a quick list to get you started coming up with ideas for working with the New Moon:

  • Set intentions around stability: Take time to reflect on areas of your life where you seek stability and security (maybe the affairs of the house ruled by Taurus). Write down clear and achievable intentions that align with Taurus' grounded energy.

  • Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors connecting with the earth's energy. Whether it's gardening, hiking, or sitting in a park, grounding yourself in nature helps us feel centered and balanced.

  • Nurture Your Body: Treat yourself to nourishing meals, indulgent self-care rituals, and plenty of rest. Taurus rules the senses, so indulge in activities that bring pleasure and comfort to your body.

  • Focus on Financial Goals: Taurus is associated with material abundance and wealth. Use this New Moon energy to set financial goals, create a budget, or manifest opportunities for financial growth.

  • Cultivate Patience: Taurus energy encourages us to slow down and take things one step at a time. Practice patience and trust in divine timing as you work towards your goals.

  • Embrace Sensuality: Engage your senses by surrounding yourself with sensual experiences. Enjoy a luxurious bath, indulge in decadent foods, or treat yourself to a massage.

  • Build Long-Term Plans: Taurus is a sign of long-term planning and endurance. Use this New Moon to evaluate your long-term goals and take practical steps towards achieving them.

  • Release Attachments to Material Possessions: While Taurus appreciates material comfort, it's important not to become overly attached to possessions. Let go of clutter and excess to make room for new energy to flow into your life.

  • Express Gratitude: Take time to appreciate the abundance that already exists in your life. Practice gratitude for the simple pleasures and blessings that surround you.

  • Plant Seeds of Prosperity: Just as a gardener plants seeds in fertile soil, use this New Moon to plant seeds of intention that will blossom and grow in the coming weeks and months.

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Tracy Quinlan

Tracy Quinlan is a consulting contemporary astrologer and Acutonics Sound Healing Teacher and Practitioner. She lectures, teaches, mentors and writes. You can read her Horoscopes in the past 4 Llewellyn Astrological yearly Calendars.

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