My Story


I’m Tracy Quinlan, your cosmic consultant to the Sky! Based in Edmonton, Canada, I’m a consulting astrologer, writer, teacher and lecturer. I'm also an Acutonics practitioner and soon to be teacher.

As a life long astrology hobbyist, I finally took what I am passionate about and am now helping people (and myself) navigate life using the many tools in my kit. I've had several teachers and earned certificates from Kepler College and the STA, along with all of the levels of the Acutonics certification program.

I'm a proud and active past president and current events coordinator for The Edmonton Astrological Society (EAS),
I also craft horoscopes for the annual Llewellyn Astrological Calendar which I've contributed to for the last 5 years.

I'm what could be considered a Contemporary Astrologer- informed by psychological astrology, but I use timing techniques from both modern and traditional practices. I work with transits, progression, solar and planetary returns and profections.

Technology enables me to connect with clients, students, teachers, and colleagues worldwide. Let’s explore the celestial mysteries and discover the cosmic insights that await you and book an appointment here!