Tracy's Blog

Image of the 12 signs on the astro wheel. THe Consult the Sky star is in the center. on the left an image of the Lion and Leo with check mar and on the right a Scorpion and Scorpio and an X k

5 Reasons Sun Sign Compatibility is Dumb

August 26, 20244 min read

5 Reasons Sun Sign Compatibility is Dumb

Finding love can be hard. When we're actively searching for that special someone(s) to share our lives with, it's tempting to look for anything that can help narrow down the options. Sun sign astrology often becomes the go-to. Why not? It's everywhere, and it feels like a way to get an inside scoop. Since astrology is all about patterns and we each have a birth chart with our own unique cosmic makeup, it's no wonder we gravitate toward certain Sun signs or steer clear of others based on past experiences. But if you don’t know much about astrology, you won’t know why you keep encountering similar experiences with particular signs.

impressionist digital image in greens and purples of a heart and swirls of color

Here are 5 reasons why Sun signs are a dumb way to decide if someone’s right or wrong for you:

  1. Astrology Looks at All the Planets
    When we examine your birth chart, we consider
    all the planets, not just the Sun. Each planet plays a role in shaping who you are, and how they interact with each other influences your personality and life experiences. For example, if Mars is having a tense conversation with your Moon, you might have a short fuse, lack patience, and default to anger when overwhelmed. You won’t know that just by looking at your Sun sign. There’s a lot more to astrology than meets the eye!

  2. The Sun is All Yang Energy
    The Sun represents outward, yang energy. It's how you express yourself to the world. So when you compare Sun signs, you're really comparing how people seem to get along on the surface—not whether they truly connect on a deeper level. Think of it like a magnet: two similar poles repel each other, while opposite poles attract. In relationships, you need more than just outward expressions to make a real connection.

  3. The Sun is Who We’re Becoming
    The Sun often represents who we're becoming, especially in our younger years. Meanwhile, the Moon—La Luna—represents yin energy and is all about absorbing and reacting to our environment. It’s the first thing we learn and is core to how we approach everything. Compatibility between one person’s Moon and another person’s Sun is a much better indicator of long-term potential. When one person's Sun resonates with the other’s emotional needs, the Moon person feels safe and understood. So, knowing your Moon sign is crucial to understanding your astrological makeup and your relationship dynamics.

  4. Venus Reflects Our Values
    Venus represents your values and sense of self-worth, which may not always align with who you’re becoming (Sun). This can lead to life lessons around figuring out what you want in a partner. If you’re unclear on what you value, it’s likely a Venus issue. Understanding your Venus sign and where it is in your chart can help you unlock what you truly desire in relationships. Plus, if the person you're interested in
    has planets making connections to your Venus, they’ll naturally understand what you need and share similar values. This is key to long-term relationship success.

  5. Mars Drives Our Desires
    Mars is crucial for compatibility—it governs how we pursue what we want and reflects our sex drive. If someone’s Mars interacts positively with your Venus, it’s a strong indicator that they’re motivated to help you achieve your desires, and vice versa. Mars interacting with your Sun means they’ll fight for who you are, while Mars to Moon indicates they’ll protect your emotional security. Mars can be a real driving force in relationships, far beyond what your Sun sign can reveal.

Bonus: Progressions Show How We Evolve
We’re constantly evolving, and astrology has a way of tracking that through progressions. As the planets, Sun, and Moon continue to move, our Sun signs change over time. Unless you follow your progressions, you won’t know if the Sun sign compatibility that once seemed spot-on still holds. By the time I met my partner, both of our Sun signs had changed by progression, and our new Sun signs were compatible with each other. This highlights how fluid and complex astrological compatibility can be

This is a simplistic take on relationship astrology, and as you can imagine, our astrological makeup is complex and ever-changing. If you take away one thing from this, I highly recommend learning your Moon sign and comparing it to your partner’s Sun sign. Better yet, get a birth chart reading from a professional astrologer. And please, don’t write someone off just because of their Sun sign—you might miss out on an amazing connection!

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Tracy Quinlan

Tracy Quinlan is a consulting contemporary astrologer and Acutonics Sound Healing Teacher and Practitioner. She lectures, teaches, mentors and writes. You can read her Horoscopes in the past 4 Llewellyn Astrological yearly Calendars.

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