Astrology Blog

The Total Solar Eclipse in Aries: A Cosmic Call for Healing and Courage

April 3, 2024

On April 8th at 12:20 PM Mountain Time, the cosmos aligns for a profoundly transformative event: a Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, marking a pivotal moment in our astrological journey. This isn’t just any eclipse; it’s a rare cosmic connection where the Sun, Moon, and Chiron meet at 19 degrees and 24 minutes of Aries, weaving a tapestry of raw energy, healing, and rebirth. A Convergence of Healing Energies At the heart of this eclipse is the exact conjunction of the Sun, Moon, and Chiron in Aries. Chiron, known as the “Wounded Healer”, brings themes of healing, teaching, and overcoming insecurities to the forefront. In fiery Aries, this alignment beckons us to face our wounds head-on, to find courage in vulnerability, and to initiate a journey of self-discovery and healing. This is a time to embrace our true selves, to let go of old narratives, and to step into a new chapter with bravery and authenticity....

Navigating the Twists and Turns: Mercury Retrograde, April 2024

March 28, 2024

It’s that time of year! Mercury is doing its backspin dance, and this time, it’s kicking off the first retrograde of 2024 with a fiery trip through Aries starting on April 1st. The tricky planet is stationing retrograde at 27 degrees Aries, and this Mercury Retrograde promises to be a zesty one, stirring up our inner warriors and maybe, just maybe, our inner hotheads too. So, let’s take a look at what this retrograde has in store for us and how we can skate through it with grace and maybe a little bit of  Aries boldness. April 1st – The Starting Line Mark your calendars because April 1st isn’t just about fooling around this year. At 27 degrees Aries, Mercury decides to throw in a plot twist. Now, Aries energy is all about that ‘leap first, think later’ vibe, but with Mercury retrograde in the mix, it’s like the universe is saying, “Hold up!...

Libra Lunar Eclipse – Embracing Balance & Release

March 22, 2024

In the early hours of March 25th, the night sky will be graced by not just a Full Moon but a Lunar Appulse Eclipse at 5 degrees and 7 minutes of Libra. This celestial event, happening at 1:00 AM Mountain Time, 2:00 AM Eastern Time, and 12:00 AM Pacific Time, marks a significant moment in the astrological calendar, especially as it unfolds in the sign of Libra, the archetype of balance, harmony, and relationships. A South Node Eclipse: Letting Go and Moving Forward This Lunar Eclipse is notably a South Node eclipse, which brings a particular flavor of energy focused on release and letting go. The South Node, often associated with past karma, lessons learned, and what we are moving away from, indicates that this eclipse could highlight areas of our lives where we need to release old patterns, especially those related to fairness, justice, people pleasing, and partnerships, all themes deeply embedded in Libra’s essence....

A New Astrological Year: Insights from the Equinox Chart

March 15, 2024

As we transition into the astrological New Year with the Sun’s ingress into Aries on March 19th, we’re not just welcoming spring; we’re stepping into a portal of fresh beginnings and vibrant energy. This year, the Aries Ingress chart, a celestial snapshot of the moment the Sun enters Aries (also known as the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere), offers us a glimpse into the themes and energies that will color the year ahead. Venus Conjunct Saturn in Pisces: Embracing Depth and Commitment One of the standout features of this year’s Aries Ingress chart is Venus conjunct Saturn in the dreamy waters of Pisces. This conjunction speaks to a year of deepening relationships, valuing emotional connections, and solidifying commitments. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, melds with Saturn, the disciplinarian, in Pisces, a sign known for its boundless imagination and sensitivity....

Embracing the Mystical

March 7, 2024

  Embracing the Mystical: New Moon in Pisces and the Planetary Bundle In the early hours of March 10th, at precisely 3:10 AM Mountain Daylight Time, the cosmos aligns to present a New Moon at 20 degrees and 17 minutes of Pisces, inviting us into a realm of introspection, renewal, and boundless potential. This New Moon, nestled in the sign of the fish, asks us to dive deep into our subconscious, to explore our dreams and to connect with our spiritual selves on a profound level. A Cosmic Embrace: The Planetary Bundle  What makes this New Moon uniquely potent is the distinct celestial configuration it forms with all the planets spanning across just 109 degrees of the zodiac. This tight clustering, from Pluto at 1 degree of Aquarius to Uranus at 19 degrees of Taurus, creates a powerful focus of energy, emphasizing collective transformation and personal breakthroughs....

Venus in the Birth Chart: Navigating Love, Beauty, and Relationships

March 6, 2024

Venus in the Birth Chart: Navigating Love, Beauty, and Relationships Venus: The Planet of Love and Relationships  Venus, often referred to as the planet of love, holds a significant influence over our relationships and social interactions. In the birth chart, its placement reveals our approach to love, our desires for harmony, and the kind of partnerships we seek. Venus governs our capacity for affection, attraction, and the ways in which we express love and appreciation. It represents our romantic inclinations, aesthetic preferences, and our appreciation for beauty in all its forms. The energy of Venus encourages us to seek balance and fulfillment in relationships. It symbolizes our yearning for emotional connection and mutual understanding. Depending on its placement in the birth chart, Venus can manifest in various ways. Venus in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) may bring passion and spontaneity to our romantic experiences, while Venus in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) may emphasize stability and practicality in relationships....

Full Moon in Virgo: Navigating Precision and Transformation

February 23, 2024

Full Moon at 5°24′ Virgo and it perfects on February 24th at 6:01 AM MST, 5:01 AM PST, 8:01 AM EST. This upcoming Full Moon, casting its reflective light upon us, marks a time of thorough attention and transformative shifts. Perfecting under the meticulous gaze of Virgo, this lunar event invites us to balance our need for order with the ongoing changes around us. What makes this Full Moon particularly compelling is its formation in a bucket shape, with the Moon itself acting as the handle, and the containing planets – Pluto in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus – shaping the vessel of our cosmic energies. Virgo’s Precision Meets Cosmic Change Virgo, an earth sign known for its diligence, practicality, and attention to detail, encourages us to focus on refinement and health, urging a reevaluation of our daily routines and work habits....

New Moon in Aquarius

February 9, 2024

New Moon in Aquarius: Innovations, Shifts, and Cosmic Alignments On Friday, February 9th, at 3:59 PM MST, the cosmic stage is set for a significant celestial event: the New Moon in Aquarius, perfecting at 20 degrees and 40 minutes. This New Moon ushers in a wave of fresh air, emblematic of Aquarius’ innovative and forward-thinking energy. It’s a time to set intentions that are not just personal but also collective, aligning with the Aquarian themes of community, technology, and visionary change. Sun and Moon Separating from Square to Uranus As the Sun and Moon come together in the sign of the water bearer, they are separating from a square with Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, currently in Taurus. This aspect may have stirred the pot, bringing unexpected changes or revelations just before the New Moon. Uranus’ influence encourages us to break free from traditional ways of thinking and to embrace new paradigms....

Full Moon in Leo – Passion & Change

January 25, 2024

Leo Full Moon: A Cosmic Display of Passion and Change On January 25th at 10:53 AM MST, 12:53 PM EST, and 9:53 AM PST, the skies light up with the exuberant Full Moon in Leo, a celestial event that promises to be as dramatic and vibrant as the sign itself. This Full Moon is not just about illumination and fulfillment; it’s a stage for powerful astrological aspects that are set to bring profound shifts and heightened energy. Jupiter in Taurus Square Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo This Full Moon’s square with Jupiter in Taurus adds a layer of complexity to our emotional and intellectual landscapes. While the Leo-Aquarius axis, illuminated by the Full Moon, invites a balanced view that harmonizes individual expression with collective awareness, Jupiter’s presence in Taurus introduces a robust, sometimes opinionated influence to the mix....

New Moon in Capricorn

January 10, 2024

New Moon at 22°44′ Capricorn: Embracing Transformation and Bold Ventures The New Moon perfect at 4:57 AM MST, 6:57 am EST and 3:57 AM PST. As the celestial curtain draws open for the New Moon in Capricorn, we are invited into a realm of ambition, discipline, and transformative potential. This lunar phase, steeped in the pragmatic spirit of Capricorn, is not just a time for setting intentions but a profound moment of alignment and opportunity, accentuated by significant astrological aspects that impact its influence. New Moon Square the Lunar Nodes A pivotal aspect of this New Moon is its partile square to the lunar nodes, creating a T-square in the sky. The Sun and Moon in Capricorn square the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra, symbolizing our collective path and karmic direction. In the context of Capricorn, it urges us to evaluate our goals and structures critically, questioning what needs to be released or restructured for our true growth....

New Years Eve Horoscopes

December 31, 2023

Happy New Year! Here are some fun New Years Eve Horoscopes for you to enjoy! Fire Element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Fire signs, as you stand on the threshold of New Year’s Eve, your inner flame burns brighter than ever. Tonight is a celebration of your passion, courage, and zest for life. Embrace the energy of renewal and the excitement of new beginnings. Your enthusiasm is infectious, and your warmth lights up the night. As the fireworks light the sky, remember that your spirit has the power to ignite change and inspire those around you. Cheers to a year of blazing new trails and shining brightly in all your endeavors! 🎉 Aries New Year’s Eve Horoscope 🎉 As you gear up for the New Year’s Eve festivities, your spirit is buzzing with an infectious energy. Adventure is calling your name, and you’re more than ready to answer....

Full Moon in Cancer

December 21, 2023

Full Moon in Cancer: Emotional Depth and Cosmic Synchronicity As the Full Moon ascends into the nurturing sign of Cancer, we are invited to delve deeper into our emotional landscapes. This lunation is not merely an emotional journey; it’s a harmonious interplay of celestial energies, with Jupiter’s benevolent influence and a thought-provoking Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius. Embracing Cancer’s Depths – A Journey to Emotional Understanding The Full Moon in Cancer offers a profound opportunity to explore the depths of our emotions. This is one of the most powerful Moons of the year, with the Moon at its brightest and in its own sign. The sign of the crab, known for its deep-rooted sensitivity and nurturing qualities, encourages introspection and emotional understanding. This is a time to embrace our emotional nature, acknowledging the strength in vulnerability and the power in emotional expression....

New Moon in Sagittarius – Aiming with Reflection

December 11, 2023

New Moon in Sagittarius – Aiming with Reflection As we embrace the darkness of the New Moon in Sagittarius, there’s an added layer of cosmic intrigue. This isn’t just any New Moon; it’s one where its ruler is taking a backseat, retrograding in Taurus. Picture this: a wise, old sage, not rushing forward, but pausing to reflect on the path taken. That’s the energy we’re getting here. This retrograde in Taurus brings a grounding effect, asking us to consider what we truly value and how we want to expand upon those values. It’s about building on what’s tangible and real, even as we aim for our lofty Sagittarian goals. The Sabian Symbol: A Window into the Cosmos Now, let’s add another layer of mystical insight – the Sabian symbol for the New Moon’s position at 20 degrees and 40 minutes Sagittarius....

Full Moon in Gemini: Communicative Crossroads & Cosmic Alignments

November 26, 2023

As the sky is illuminated by the Full Moon in Gemini, we find ourselves at a communication crossroads, a pivotal moment for dialogue and discovery. This celestial event is a beacon for curiosity, urging us to exchange ideas and embrace the duality of our thoughts and perspectives. But there’s more to this lunar story—a dance of planetary energies that adds layers of depth to the Full Moon’s tale. Mars conjunct the Sun in Sagittarius injects a fiery zeal into our quests for truth and wisdom. The warrior planet alongside the radiant Sun in the sign of the archer calls us to aim higher, encouraging bold steps towards our personal philosophies and higher learning. This conjunction is a cosmic rally cry, a declaration to pursue our passions with fervor and to let our inner explorers roam free, all while the Gemini Moon reflects back the need for conversation and connection....

New Moon in Scorpio: Embracing the Fire of Transformation

November 10, 2023

This lunation perfects at 1:27 AM PST, 2:27 AM MST, 4:27 AM EST and 5:27 AM AST and takes place at 20 degrees 43′ minutes of Scorpio. As the New Moon cloaks the sky in its monthly shroud of darkness, we’re ushered into a realm of deep introspection and transformation. This isn’t your ordinary lunar reset—this New Moon in Scorpio, conjunct Mars, is a powerful catalyst for change, opposing the unpredictable Uranus in Taurus. It’s a cosmic alignment that promises to stir the pot, challenging us to dive into the depths of our being and emerge renewed. Scorpio invites us to delve into our innermost waters, to explore the undercurrents of our psyche and the secrets we guard. This New Moon, occurring in the heart of Scorpio’s domain, amplifies this energy, urging us to confront what usually lies hidden. It’s a time to shed the old skin, to let go of past grievances and to rise from the ashes with a newfound sense of power....

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

October 26, 2023

  We have a lunar eclipse coming up on Saturday October 28th at 2:23 PM MDT, 4:23 PM EDT, 1:23 PM PDT and 5:23 PM ADT. This eclipse is quite different than the last. First of all it’s a North Node (Ketu) in Aries eclipse; second, the Moon is in Taurus, so not in the same sign as the node; it’s a partial eclipse, whereas the solar eclipse happened very close to the nodal axis making it an almost total eclipse. Having the Moon and node in different sign dilutes the singularity of the messages from the signs of the nodal axis. I would even say that the combination at play here may even lead people to misunderstand what’s being asked of them. The North node wants to consume, and the Moon in Taurus needs material comfort, so while eclipses are asking us to let go, the impulse of the Moon and node combination are to think of one’s own wants and perhaps hoard stuff....

Eclipse and Purification

October 13, 2023

It’s eclipse season, and we have an eclipse on Saturday October 14th at 11:55 AM MDT, 1:55 PM EDT, 10:55 AM PDT and 2:55 PM ADT. The New Moon is at 21°07′ Libra and the Sun and Moon are coming together at the South Node of the Moon. This is what’s called a Solar Annular Eclipse. This month has brought many changes astrologically. Venus left Leo after 4 months and moved into Virgo. Just this week Pluto ended its retrograde cycle and Mars moved into its own sign of Scorpio. There’s something that these events have in common- they all favour purification and elimination. Overall, the astrology is asking us to clean up, get rid of stuff we don’t need and let go of anything we’re holding onto that is no longer good for us. Kaitlin Coppock, the Mage of Sphere and Sundry says: “...

Full Moon in Aries

September 26, 2023

We’ve got a Full Moon at 6 degrees Aries that perfects at 3:57 am MDT on September 29th, and honey, it’s a party in the sky! But hold onto your crystals because Aries isn’t here to play games. Think of Aries as that friend who kicks down your door, says you look terrible, but then hands you the perfect outfit and drags you out for the night of your life. Tough love, baby. So what can I say about a Full Moon in Aries? First off, let’s talk energy. If you’ve been feeling unmotivated, get ready to switch gears. Aries, ruled by Mars, is like an espresso shot for your soul. You’re gonna want to start 17 new projects, call your ex (don’t), and probably try to lift a car just because you can. But hey, instead- focus that energy in some way. (Start by looking at where Aries is in your natal chart.) Now, Aries is all about the self....

New Moon in Virgo

September 13, 2023

Welcome to a New Moon in Virgo! This New Moon falls in the middle of a weird time of delays and slowdowns. New Moons encourage us to start anew, while retrograde planets are more about dealing with existing plans, projects, or situations. The sign of Virgo teaches us to improve upon what we have, asking us to tweak and perfect it. Here’s the Sabian symbol description from Lynda Hill of the degree of this New Moon: A ROYAL COAT OF ARMS ENRICHED WITH PRECIOUS STONES What this Symbol implies is a strong connection to heritage and family lines. This can give rise to feelings of pride and honor as one accepts that a sense of nobility is one’s birthright. Even if there’s no actual nobility in your bloodline, there can be a sense of nobility about your character and bearing....

Full Moon in Pisces

August 30, 2023

We have a Full Moon in Pisces coming to us this evening at 7:35 PM MDT, 6:35 PDT, and 9:35 PM EDT. As you’ve likely seen all over social media, this is called a Super Moon and is considered a Blue Moon. We get a Blue Moon when we have two Full Moons in a month. A “Super Moon” is basically the moon’s version of showing off. It occurs when a full moon coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth in its orbit, also known as “perigee.” Because it’s closer to Earth, the moon looks bigger and brighter in the sky—up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than when it’s at its furthest point (apogee). So, when you hear about a Super Moon, get ready for some lunar eye candy. It’s like the moon’s way of saying, “Hey, check me out!” Because we have six planets retrograde, we are being called to look to the past in order to plan our path forward....

Retrograde Rendezvous

August 22, 2023

  A Retrograde Rendezvous: When the Planets Take a Step Back There are retrogrades a plenty! But, isn’t all happening at once. Venus, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto went retrograde over the last several weeks. Mercury joins tomorrow and Uranus on my birthday- the 29th. I reference Jupiter here because I’ve already talked about Venus, and Venus and Jupiter are swapping on September 4th. All of these big celestial players are hitting the cosmic rewind button, and it’s bound to stir things up a bit. And for some of us -those born between August 29th until Mid September- we’ll have this retrograde energy in our birthday chart- so it’s a theme for the entire year. Those born September 15th- Oct 11th will have 5 planets retrograde instead of 6. The Libras get off a tiny bit easier because their ruling planet Venus won’t be retrograde- but it’s still bound to be a slowed down pace for the year anyway....

New Moon in Leo

August 16, 2023

We woke this morning to a lovely shift in energy, into a New Moon in Leo. It perfected at 3:38 AM here in MST, so while we slept, the Moon kissed the Sun and moved on. She is nothing if not a fickle bitch! This is an unusually quiet New Moon chart. The only strong aspect the Sun and Moon are making is a square to Uranus. As a matter of fact, Uranus is the transit star this week, receiving aspects from the New Moon, then Mars tomorrow. The height of the square from the Sun and Moon to Uranus actually hit before the New Moon kicked in, so this frustrating energy was the prelude to the New Moon. When the Sun and Moon square Uranus in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), we may expect intense moments of disruption and a desire for change in areas of life that we might usually seek stability in....

The Finger of Fate (Yod)- Transformation, Glamour and Delusion

July 31, 2023

  We’ve had a Yod brewing for weeks now. It’s not usual for Venus to be part of any configuration for any length of time. Venus cruises along at about a degree per day, so to say the planet has been involved in an aspect pattern with Pluto and Neptune since she travelled through the 28th degree of Leo back in mid July (2 1/2 weeks now) is rare . It’s because she stationed (we perceive that she slowed down to retrograde) at 28°36′ of Leo so was moving very slowly when she reached the previous degree and continues to move slowly through the last 3 degrees of the sign of Leo. This means she’s holding in a 150º aspect to both Pluto and Neptune. A Yod (also called the “Finger of God” or “Finger of Fate”) with Venus as the finger, forming a quincunx to Pluto, which is sextile Neptune, and both Pluto and Neptune are quincunx to Venus....

New Moon in Cancer

July 15, 2023

The New Moon in Cancer perfects at 12:32 PM MDT on Monday, July 17th. This is potentially the most potent New Moon of the year in that it’s the only New Moon where the Moon is in its sign of rulership. Since none of the other planets are in signs they particularly love being in, this makes the Moon especially strong. Venus is getting ready to go retrograde on the 22nd, the same day the Sun enters Leo, so things are about to shift. But this week, Venus will just be sitting at the same degree (it usually moves about a degree per day). I’ll say more about this later in the week. On Thursday and Friday, we’ll all be subject to Mars in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces. Mars symbolizes assertiveness, action, and passion, while Saturn represents discipline, structure, and limitations. When these two planets oppose each other, it can bring a clash between desire and drive versus limitation and responsibility, potentially leading to frustration, conflicts, and obstacles....

Full Moon in Capricorn!

June 30, 2023

The Full Moon in Capricorn perfects Monday Morning at 6:45 am MDT, 5:45 am PDT, 7:45 CDT, 8:45 am EDT and 9:45 ADT. This is the most sober of the Full Moons- the one time of year we have a Full Moon in its sign of detriment. Emotions aren’t easily expressed with the Moon in Capricorn- emotions are something to be managed rather than felt. When the full Moon is in Capricorn, there is a focus on responsibilities, career matters, and long-term goals. During this Full Moon, there may be a heightened sense of ambition and a drive to succeed. It can be a time to evaluate progress, assess your professional or personal goals, and make necessary adjustments to achieve them. This Full Moon emphasizes the need for structure, organization, and hard work. Capricorn’s influence encourages a practical and realistic approach to life, urging you to take practical steps towards your ambitions....

Happy New Moon in Gemini!

June 15, 2023

This Gemini New Moon at 26°43′, perfect Saturday June 17th at 10:36 PM MDT, 12:36 AM on the 18th EDT and 9:36 PM PDT. The Gemini qualities of this New Moon are strong because the ruler of Gemini, Mercury is also in Gemini- so there’s a purity to this Mercurial vibe. It would be worth it to take a look at where Gemini is in your chart, and see what newness can grow out of that area of your life. Linda Hill and her Sabian Symbols website describes this New Moon degree of Gemini as: A YOUNG GYPSY Romani, EMERGING FROM THE WOODS, GAZES AT FAR CITIES This Symbol shows that there is a desire to attempt or achieve something that is at times far off or out of reach. It takes courage to be something of a foreigner or an outcast and still venture out into society seeking its rewards and enticements....

Untethered Full Moon in Sagittarius

June 1, 2023

  The Full Moon in Sagittarius perfects at 9:41 PM on June 3rd, 2023 Mountain time, 11:41 PM Eastern, 8:41 Pacific, 12:41 AM June 4th Atlantic and 1:11 AM in Newfoundland. This Full Moon chart befuddled me. There are no tight aspects to the Sun or Moon in the Full Moon chart, and all of the aspects between other planets have already happened and are moving away from each other. That’s NOT to say we aren’t individually having our own connections to this Full Moon in Sagittarius chart, which has the lunation feeling untethered from the rest of the planets. If you have planets or angles at 7 degrees of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo or Libra, you’re having an impactful Saturn transit. If you have planets at 8 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn or Pisces you’re potentially having an intense Mars transit....

New Moon in Taurus

May 18, 2023

  The New Moon in Taurus Perfects at 9:53 AM Mountain time on Friday May 19th, 2023 at 28 degrees and 25 minutes. If you’re someone who has personal planets or angles in your chart at 28/29 or 00/01 degrees, there are a lot of planets affecting you now. Especially if they’re in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. This new cycle is marked by a square between Jupiter at zero degrees of Taurus and Pluto at zero degrees Aquarius. Mars will join the party tomorrow when it goes into Leo. I love what my friend Greg had to say over at Star Struck Style: …any new moon in Taurus is going to encourage us to apply the most positive Taurus traits to our current circumstances in order to move forward. Tenacity is one of those traits....

Poop is Gonna Fly- Scorpio Eclipse

May 4, 2023

  The last Solar Eclipse if this season is happening Friday May 5th and 11:34 am Mountain, 10:34 PDT, and 1:34 PM EDT. This is the final Scorpio eclipse and brings a cycle that started April 30th last year. Scorpio is connected to the elimination and excretion of stuff in our bodies- specifically poop. Since this eclipse is happening at the south node of the Moon, which is all about release all that keeps coming to mind is a colonic cleanse. Sometimes the South Node can show a rapid exit so to speak – hence the idea that poop is gonna fly. Not a very glamorous idea, but this particular letting go is quite necessary. Themes of purification come to mind- and letting it all go is multiplied exponentially here. So if there’s an area of your life where you’re feeling physically, emotionally and/or spiritually constipated, NOW is the time to release, release, release!...

Hybrid Solar Eclipse and Mercury too!

April 18, 2023

We have a hybrid Solar Eclipse plus Mercury goes retrograde in the next couple of days. A Hybrid Eclipse happens when the Eclipse will be total in some parts of the world, but partial in others. So, the eclipse effects will be more intense in Asia and Australia, where it’ll be seen as total. Where I am, the Solar Eclipse will perfect at 10:12 Pm Mountain time, so this will be on April 20th for those in Eastern time zones and beyond, while it is still the 19th here. There are a few features of this eclipse that intensify the effects. The Sun and Moon are at 29 degrees and 50 minutes of Aries. This means each of the lights is about to change signs. I experience planets at 29 degrees as a sense of anticipation or anxiety- you can feel that change is imminent....

Libra Full Moon

April 5, 2023

The latest Full Moon is in Libra at 16 degrees and 7 minutes. It perfects at 10:34 PM Mountain time on April 5th – that’s 9:34 Pacific and 12:34 AM on April 6th Eastern. This Full Moon features Mercury cozied up to the North Node, while Mercury is also aspecting Saturn. These planets are close to where the eclipse will take place at the next New Moon, so to me this lunation feels prophetic– like in the next 2 weeks, this Moon will bring into light the issues that’ll arise during the eclipse. Because the North Node tends to indicate an excess of something, and Mercury represents information, I’d say we may be flooded with it- an actual example of TMI. Keep an eye out for repeating themes in your life during this time. When Saturn’s part of the conversation people may be held to account for their bad behavior. ...

Aries Season! Happy Equinox & New Moon!!

March 20, 2023

It’s Aries season! The Equinox comes in at 3:24 PM MDT on Monday the 20th, and the New Moon less than 24 hours later at 11:23 AM on the 21st of March. We’ve had a rush of planetary change in a few short days. Just a week before this New Moon we had Venus in Aries, and the Sun, Mercury, Neptune and Saturn in Pisces…that is a recipe for intense emotions and passion. As the New Moon perfects, we have Venus in earthy Taurus, Mercury in Aries with the Sun and Moon- getting rid of the overrepresentation of Pisces. Woo Hoo! I wouldn’t normally get excited about Mercury in Aries- this is a feisty Mercury leading to sharp tongues, confrontational interactions and lack of patients which can result in miscommunications. However, with Mars is in Mercury’s sign and Mercury is in Mars’ sign, so we have ourselves a mutual reception....

Last Full Moon

March 6, 2023

This is the last Full Moon of the astrological year. On March 20 we start a new year when the Sun enters Aries on the Spring Equinox here in the Northern hemisphere. This last Full Moon perfects at 16 degrees and 40 minutes of Virgo on Tuesday March 7, at 5:40 am Mountain, and 7:40 am Eastern time. This lunation chart is remarkably lacking in fixed energy. A lack of fixity tends to have us unanchored. When there’s not enough fixed vibes it’s difficult the maintain and sustain, so finishing things to the end is trickier. We have less focus and stick-with-it’ness. Uranus is still in Taurus, which is fixed. But, Uranus is not a steady planet so it’s not a stabilizing force. Saturn is in the fixed sign of Aquarius, but it’s sitting at 29 degrees and 59 minutes poised to change signs within the hour of the Full Moon....

New Moon in Pisces

February 19, 2023

On February 20th a New Moon in Pisces perfects at 12:05 am MST. There’s potentially an extra dreamy quality to this New Moon because also in the sign of Pisces are Neptune and Venus. With Venus at the last degree of the sign, there can be a more urgent energy in this placement of Venus. Venus is exalted in Pisces. Venus is at its most romantic and even co-dependent in Pisces because in this sign, boundaries blur or evaporate, and Venus in Pisces wants to melt into the object of desire. To add even more idealism to Venus, she’s what is called an evening star, rising after the Sun- This placement adds to the romantic idealism held by Venus in any sign, but it’s at it’s peek in Pisces. Once Venus goes into Aries (within a few hours of the New Moon) we might get hit by a large dose of extra energy....

Leo Full Moon

February 3, 2023

The Full Moon in Leo is almost upon us. The full Moon will perfect on Sunday February 5th at 11:28 am MST or 1:28 pm EST at 16 degrees and 40 minutes of Leo. This Full Moon is the epitome of one’s light being reflected back to them. This is true of all Full Moons, but because the Moon is in the Sun’s sign of Leo, there’s an extra degree of potency in that message. If someone is getting under your skin, take a beat and ask yourself what about them is a reflection of you? This is not an easy exercise, but the time is ripe for self reflection- take advantage of it. Since all of the planets have gone direct it feels like everything is full steam ahead. This has many of us busier than we’ve been in weeks, even months. This particular lunation chart has every planet answering to Saturn (by dispositorship) and so we may all feel the weight of responsibilities, or feel alone, or need to create boundaries....

Aquarius New Moon

January 19, 2023

The New Moon in Aquarius perfects on January 21st at 1:53 pm Mountain time. Welcome to the first New Moon of the Year! Aquarius energy is often about learning to be detached to the emotions of the thing. Processing information intellectually is preferred to intuition or emotional exploration.  That’s not to say that Aquarians are not emotional- that is not what I’m saying at all, so don’t come at me on this. When thinking about what you’d like to usher in with this New Moon, consider whether there’s anywhere you need to create personal space. The traditional ruler of Aquarius, Saturn is snuggling up to Venus during this New Moon and I tend to see the planetary combination as an  loving boundaries- So this New Moon is an opportunity to create loving boundaries where you need to. Saturn rules time- so maybe you need to create boundaries around how your time is being used....

The First Full Moon of 2023

January 6, 2023

  The first Full Moon of 2023 is of course in Cancer and perfects January 6 at 4:07 PM Mountain time. The Full Moon in Cancer is arguably the most powerful Full Moon of the year as the Moon is in it’s own sign making it potent. Emotions run high when we’re collectively experiencing Cancer energy. Add in the intensity of the Moon at full brightness plus the fact that it’s way out of bounds and it can spell trouble. For some people, this Full Moon can be very helpful to help them speak up and honouring their difficult feelings. Things that have been repressed may have to be expressed now. With both Mars and Mercury retrograde we may be feeling much frustration. Mars retrograde has had many people feeling impotent and ineffective. While Mercury retrograde can always create the potential for misunderstanding and misinterpretations....

New Moon and Solstice- Bring it on!

December 21, 2022

  Solstice on Wednesday and a New Moon on Friday- Bring it on! The Solstice begins December 21st at 2:48 pm MST. I always welcome this season change enthusiastically. While it marks the beginning of winter where I live, it’s also the time when the days start to get longer. I won’t notice it for several weeks, but psychologically, I’m optimistic that brighter days are coming. This Solstice chart has a feeling of finishing things off. The Moon is in its Balsamic phase and this is a time for endings, rest, quiet and looking into the past to decide how you want to move forward- much like the resting seeds underground the Winter Solstice represents. It’s a beautiful time to look back in gratitude to help you know which parts you want to take into your future. The Sun is very tightly square Jupiter at zero degrees Aries- that’s an energetic aspect, in energetic signs at an energetic degree....

Full Moon Canoodling with Mars

December 7, 2022

We have a Full Moon In Gemini coming tonight, and as the Moon comes to oppose the Sun it will canoodle with Mars. The Mars/Moon aspect is very tight- 6 minutes applying, meaning the aspect is very active and dynamic. Lots of words will be flying, tempers may be flared- saying things you may want to take back might be a thing. Mars usually brings conflict with it and in wordy Gemini a battle of information is a theme. The Moon brings emotions into it, so we can assume that one side will see the other as overly emotional and not objective. In reality, neither side is objective and being able to see the other perspective more clearly is the gift of a full Moon. Mars with the Moon brings irritability, competitiveness and impatience, and you may find yourself making hasty decisions. With Mars being retrograde you could find yourself being angry about things that happened in the past, or memories coming up generating anger that hasn’t been dealt with....

New Moon in Sagittarius PLUS Jupiter goes direct!

November 23, 2022

  It’s a Sagittarius New Moon Perfecting today November 23rd at 3:57 PM MST. This Sagittarius New Moon, ruled by Jupiter, occurs while it’s ruling planet is standing still getting ready to move forward after almost 4 months of being retrograde. WOO HOO!! This particular cycle has seemed long to me. It does not help that Mars is retrograde in Gemini acting like a Mercury retrograde. It has seemed particularly laborious to get things done. Nothing has run smoothly, that’s for sure. The beauty of this New Moon in Sagittarius and it’s connection the planet of manifestation is our intention setting will have a little extra punch- do so thoughtfully and from a place of gratitude. Since Jupiter has gone back into the sign of Pisces, the inclination might be to dream big, but I encourage you to consider how hard you’re willing to work to make your dreams come true and proceed accordingly....

Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

November 6, 2022

We have a total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus and so many planets have joined this party! Over by the Moon, which is very close to the South Node is Uranus, and on the other side with the Sun and the North Node in Scorpio we have Mercury and Venus. Square all of these things is Saturn in Aquarius. If you have planets and points in the middle degrees of the fixed signs (15-18 degrees Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius) you are potentially going to feel this lunation more significantly. All of this energy is forming a T-square which brings a lot of tension and stress. If we combine this with Mars retrograde we have a big potential for disagreements and conflict, but a lot of energy can be wasted this way. If you can hold your tongue, do, even if it’s just to take a beat and modulate your reaction to fit the situation....

A Scorpio New Moon Eclipse

October 23, 2022

  We have a New Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio coming up at 4:48 am in October 25th. The Sun and Moon will be at exactly 2 degrees while Venus is snuggled right up at 2 degrees 39 minutes. There are a lot of themes around getting rid of stuff to consider. Eclipses on their own are best used to purge, end, and purify, and to have the lunation in the sign of release and detoxification adds potency to the message. New Moons are usually about intentions and new energy you wish to create, but that’s not the focus of eclipses. Venus being in the thick of this lunation adds themes of intensity, devotion and passion. Venus in Scorpio craves deep emotional attachment and connection that can even dip into the obsessive. Venus asks us to assess our values, longings, and romantic expectations....

Feisty Full Moon in Aries

October 6, 2022

We have a feisty Aries Full Moon coming up on Sunday October 9th at 2:55 PM. We’re still in the throws of the Saturn Uranus square. The planets have been within a degree of each other since September 16 and will remain within a degree until October 23rd. They never do make the exact square, so this aspect is likely to create a lot of tension without producing the results that a square aspect usually generates. Uranus and Saturn are like 2 old guys dancing around a boxing ring yelling “get off my lawn” with feet dancing and fists jabbing, but never actually landing a meaningful blow. The outcome is that we’re all easily agitated- people may seem extra aggravating and our collective patients is almost non-existent. The Full Moon in Aries features the Moon having just been conjunct Chiron with both heavenly bodies opposite the Sun, which is travelling with Venus in Libra....

New Moon in Libra and the Equinox

September 22, 2022

  As we step into the fall Equinox we’re met by a dynamic New Moon in Libra. The Sun and Moon will meet at 2 degrees and forty eight minutes of Libra as they’re moving to oppose Jupiter. There are many meaningful planetary combination in the New Moon chart, but I’d like to talk about the Equinox chart first. The equinox began Thursday September 22nd at 7:03 PM MDT. Because the New Moon is coming quickly after the equinox, we are left with our fall season colored by the balsamic Moon energy in the F.E. (fall equinox) chart. We still have the majority of the planets moving retrograde, so the vibe of the autumn equinox is much less about a new chapter than it is about endings, finishing and purging. We might find ourselves revisiting things from the past in some way. This energy isn’t nostalgic in an emotional sense....

Full Moon in Pisces

September 9, 2022

    We have a Full Moon in Pisces happening in the wee hours of the am on September 10th. A Pisces Moon is empathic, sensitive and extremely receptive, so we may experience rich dreaming or strong intuitive messages. We could be more sensitive to the feelings of others, or feel overwhelmed by our own emotions. Something that stands out in this Full Moon chart are the retrograde planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are retrograde while Mercury is stationing to start its retrograde cycle. Things may feel like they’re not progressing. Generally, this isn’t a great time to start new things. When planets are retrograde plans can get a false start, or just simply not really get rolling until the planets get moving direct again. Mercury and Jupiter are the 2 most problematic of the bunch, since Mercury is communication and technology, while Jupiter is the bringer of opportunity....

New Moon in Virgo

August 25, 2022

  The New Moon in Virgo perfects on August 27th at 2:16 am. Since the Moon is meeting the Sun while most of us are asleep in this part of the world, we may experience strange dreams or disturbed sleep. The way some of the planets are relating to each other, this will be a mentally active phase for most of us, which can lead to insomnia and/or an active sleeping mind. Mercury has just moved into Libra, and Mercury in an air sign tends to make our brains and mouths more active. Mercury is making a nice aspect to Mars, which Mercury is in charge of for a while. When Mars makes an aspect, it tends to speed up the energy of the other planet- Mars can act like caffein, and since it’s in the sign of intellectual Gemini, we could find it difficult to make decisions or pick a direction....

Full Moon in Aquarius

August 10, 2022

    We have a Full Moon in Aquarius coming at us Thursday at 7:35 in the evening in Edmonton. When the Moon travels through Aquarius there can be discomfort with messy emotions. Aquarius likes its space- it’s the sign of individuation, and intellectualism. The best use of the Moon in Aquarius is to create strong emotional boundaries. The brightness of the Full Moon can shine light on the areas you require space and autonomy. We can use the brightness of this Moon to gain a double dose of objectivity. The Full Moon in and of itself through the Sun/Moon opposition, can foster objectivity. Plus, you can achieve distance with the Moon filtering through the sign of Aquarius, and gain clear vision where emotions have allowed a blind spot in the past- this full Moon can bring you the opportunity to see the problem clearly and create the emotional distance you need....

Leo New Moon

July 27, 2022

The Leo New Moon perfects today at 11:54 am Mountain time. I love the images of lions that come up when you search “Leo”. Often, the animals look serene and gentle, not quite laid back, but resigned. You can’t imagine from those pictures this is a creature that could eat your face off in one swift movement. It reminds me that Leo is a fixed sign, and like all the fixed signs, (Taurus and Scorpio too) they’re calm right up until you’ve pushed them to their limit, then all fixed signs will do their version of “eat your face off”, and there’s not much you can do to stop it. The energy in general is fixed right now. The majority of the planets are currently in fixed signs, which indicates a period of maintenance. With the lack of mutable signs, there’ll be a lack of flexibility permeating situations....

New Moon in Cancer

June 27, 2022

  On Tuesday June 28th we have a New Moon in the Moon’s sign of Cancer. Jupiter in Aries is square the Sun and Moon which means there’s some stimulating energy to help you if there’s something you want to get started. Jupiter in fire can inspire, but make sure not to over do, or over promise whatever it is. Jupiter doesn’t know when to stop and in Aries it can give one giant shot of adrenaline and then leave you hanging. The sign of Cancer is all about caring, nurturing and emotional protection. I always see it as a time to make sure your diet is giving you solid nourishment and that your taking care of yourself the best you can. When the Moon is in Cancer I often want to nap and rest, and having the Moon in a balsamic phase and in Cancer all day Tuesday (in North America), don’t beat yourself up if you’re feeling tired and lethargic....

Sagittarius Full Moon!

June 13, 2022

We’re about to enjoy a Full Moon in Sagittarius, and what a Full Moon chart it is! Mercury’s finally direct and back in it’s own sign Gemini. This past Mercury retrograde was pretty tame for me- the mishaps were bizarre and sometimes entertaining, but I know that wasn’t true for all. Hopefully everyone is moving in the right direction again. Mercury in Gemini generally means there will be a lot of information coming at us and it’ll be our job to sift through it to find the real nuggets. It’s a good time to diversify where you get your news and information from. Venus is in her own sign of Taurus for 10 more days. Having Venus in Taurus is lovely, but soooooo lazy. It’s a great time for things like massage, gardening, napping- anything that brings joy to your senses is highlighted with Venus here....

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus

April 28, 2022

You have probably already been feeling the New Moon Solar Eclipse coming at us this weekend. Maybe you’ve felt anxious, or had disturbed sleep. Some of us have more vivid or stranger dreams. It can leave some feeling out of sorts, while others are feeling energized. Whatever it is, It’s pretty intense. No matter what you’re experiencing, it’s a pretty weird vibe. While the energy of the lunation may feel potent- there isn’t a lot of cardinal energy to motivate us to do anything about it. Mercury will be happily back in it’s sign of Gemini, and with the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn all in signs they’re well placed in, this type of situation can lead to scattered attention. Mars is in floaty Pisces, so to get anything done, intuition needs to be used in order to get rolling in the right direction....

Full Moon in Libra!

April 13, 2022

We have a Full Moon in Libra this week, and what a week it is. We’ve had Jupiter and Neptune travelling together bringing a weird combination of hope and delusion. It seems every time I turn around there’s a politician giving their version of an inspiring speech and making promises. The desire for escape has definitely increased for me as the number of animal videos I’m watching has increased exponentially- it’s definitely not the worst way to escape, but it is not productive. Venus is in her happy place in Pisces which can also lend to a desire to daydream and escape. All of this Pisces energy can lead us to want to see the positive in things, which is beautiful as long as it doesn’t have you putting up with crap you shouldn’t. Mercury has just moved into Taurus, so it and the Moon are ruled by the dreamy Venus in this Full Moon chart....

New Moon in Aries

March 31, 2022

This New Moon in Aries feels more like a new beginning than the Spring Equinox did. You might be feeling more optimistic or inspired. Between the Sun, Moon and Mercury we’ve got some fiery Mars energy swirling around. People are combative and maybe feeling a bit braver. Mars itself is in thinky Aquarius, so the best course of action will have to include a well thought out strategy. Monday and Tuesday Mars will be travelling with Saturn. This is an aspects that can have people held accountable for their actions- keep this in mind when you decide how to proceed. This is not a time to “fake it ’til you make it“- Saturn (authorities and higher ups) will definitely be ready to question and challenge you. This is what I call a “no bullshit zone”....

Full Moon in Virgo!

March 16, 2022

The Full Moon in Virgo hits in the wee hours Friday morning. Intriguing configuration: all of the planets are at the bottom of the chart with the Moon sitting right at the top shining down on all of them. This should lead to things being uncovered, or realizations for some people, especially in the realms of health, self-improvement, diet, and will likely bring a strong sense of responsibility- not in the grown up Saturnian way, but more in the martyrish Virgo/Pisces way. This usually brings some form of sacrifice. The Moon will leave the Sun and trine Pluto right away. When you hear astrologers talk about Pluto, you’ll hear things like revolution, transformation, destruction in order to rebuild, and all of this applies. We often talk about how structures like governments, banks, business etc. will be transformed. What I haven’t often heard is anything about “social responsibility”...

New Moon in Pisces

March 1, 2022

  It’s New Moon in Pisces time and the astrology doesn’t get any less intense. The New Moon chart is striking, having all of the planets within 120 degrees of the zodiac (360 degrees). Most of them passing through the most collective signs of the zodiac, and in this part of the world, in the most collective part of the chart. Mars and Venus have joined Pluto, indicating further disruption and violence. The dictatorial will continue to throw their weight around. The more people think this whole cosmic shift is meant to support people’s rights as individuals, the worse the situation will get. This is a Plutonian change. It’s collective and it’s about complete transformation. People fighting to have life go back to normal don’t get it. Pluto’s goal is always to transform entirely- we can do it the easy way, or the hard way....

Full Moon in Leo!

February 15, 2022

This Full Moon in Leo Chart is something else. The themes apply everywhere, but there are some striking chart placements specific to or more potent in Edmonton, and Alberta, as Edmonton is the capital of Alberta. The Venus Mars conjunction is within one minute, which means these 2 planets are working as one right now. Mars is our fight or flight, our drive- it’s concerned with our most fundamental needs- those required to survive. Venus is our desires and comfort. One of the places I see this reflected is in the masking issue- comfort vs. survival. If you’ve convinced yourself we don’t need masks to survive, Venus wins. If you’re convinced a mask is important for survival and protection, Mars wins. The pair are moving away from the top of the chart, so hopefully this can stop being an issue that leads to attacks and bullying....

New Moon in Aquarius

January 30, 2022

  Let’s take a deep breath in and welcome some new energy with this New Moon in Aquarius. We have some astrological events to be grateful for and some to look forward to in the near future and I say we focus on those, instead of the world going crazy all around us. With Venus slowly moving direct and Mercury soon to be, we should start to feel like progress can be made. Starting around February 6th we’ll be in the unique situation where none of the planets are in a retrograde cycle, which can tend to feel like life is happening at warp speed. With Mars, the planet of action, in a sign where it’s extremely productive, there are likely to be tangible results from the actions we take. This doesn’t mean they’ll be the results we’re looking for though, so make sure you know what it is you want to get from your efforts....

Full Moon in Cancer

January 17, 2022

  The Full Moon in Cancer perfects at 4:48 PM MST. There are a couple intense aspects in this Full Moon chart, making this quite a dynamic lunation. Cancer Full Moons are already powerful because The Moon is at its brightest and in its own sign, making this an intense and emotional Moon. Themes of family, commitment, security and nurturing are illuminated. Cancer needs to feel safe, especially on an emotional front. It self-protects, and stings when it feels threatened. There’s also a physical component to this as Cancer also represents nourishment and rules the stomach. So, issues around feeling secure when it comes to basic needs may be featured. Opposite the Moon, the Sun is leaving being conjoined Pluto. So the Full Moon, as it moves in to be it’s brightest is illuminating issues of power, revolution, ego, corporations, business to give you the short list....

New Moon New Year!

December 30, 2021

It’s a New Moon and a New Year! The first New Moon of 2022 is coming in to help this New Year feel fresh. Since New Years Eve will be blessed with a Balsamic Moon and those are good for endings and cleaning stuff up- I’m probably going to try to clean out my liquor cabinet…No not really, but given what 2021 was like and the last 3 months for me specifically, I’m really looking forward to seeing the ass end of this one. I spent the 23rd – the 28th with an infected tooth. The upshot- I did not gain Christmas weight. I also did not sleep and was not fun to be around. I’m still medicating it, but feel good enough to ring in this much needed new cycle, on my couch, in my pajamas- but I WILL stay awake until midnight- being that’s it’s a dark Moon, I may not be sitting up though....

Full Moon in Gemini

December 16, 2021

  We have a Full Moon in Gemini perfecting on Saturday at 9:35 PM Mountain time. It’s the last Full Moon of the year, and since this lunar phase is about letting go- let’s all decide to release some of the negativity we may be holding on to for 2021. It’s not the year’s fault that it sucked so bad. I’m going to spend a little extra time examining what I’m grateful for from this last year- I figure it’s the best way to bring the positive things forward rather than holding on to what I’d much rather leave behind me moving into 2022. There have been a lot of shifts this week with the planets. We had Mercury move into Capricorn leading to a whopping five planets ruled by Saturn – Soon to be 6 on the winter solstice when the Sun joins Mercury, Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, and Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius....

Sagittarius Solar Eclipse

December 3, 2021

This Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse perfects at 12:42 AM MDT on December 4th. Usually New Moons are about setting intensions and bringing in new stuff, but an eclipse is different. Because the New Moon happens on what is referred to as the South Node of the Moon or the Dragon’s tail, or Ketu, this eclipse is about release and letting go, or losing something. But, whatever goes needs to in order to make room for the new thing that’s ready to enter your life. Remember, it’s good to make space for something better. There’s a mysticism about the nodes and eclipses and a lot of psychic energy can be attached to the nodes. Sleep disturbances, vivid dreams, and fatigue can all be common. I can say that I have experienced all of the above this week- mostly because my dog has experienced the sleep disturbance piece,  but also because I am waking up every hour or so, I hope this is just the eclipse and will pass by tomorrow because I am exhausted....

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

November 18, 2021

We have a partial Lunar Eclipse happening in Taurus this week. Eclipses tend to bring more juju with them than a Full Moon, and if they’re making aspects in your natal chart they potentially have more impact on the events of your life. Dietrech Pessin says they can open a box filled with treasures or a box like Pandora’s, opening up all sorts of calamity. She says, it’s usually a mix of both. When we’re looking at the Taurus/Scorpio axis themes of belongings and possession are highlighted. What we value, our stuff, our emotional depths and emotions we’re holding on to are all part of these 2 astrological signs. I’m interested to see what comes up in the near future around food shortages and how we’ll be hampered in our efforts to buy holiday gifts and treats, since Taurus is connected to these things....

Full Moon in Aries

October 20, 2021

  Happy Full Moon in Aries! This is coming to us Wednesday Morning at almost 9 Am in this part of the world. Planetary oppositions that form on the Libra (in this case the Sun)  and Aries (the Moon) axis are always giving us the opportunity to look objectively at issues around “I” vs. “we”. Where do you sit in your life in terms of independence or co-dependence? This particular full Moon has the potential to be revolutionary for some, as the ruler of the Moon- Mars is about to make a tough aspect to Pluto. Pluto/Mars connections are rough. God of the underworld, faces off with the God of war. Super light and fluffy themes to be sure! At it’s worst, this combination can be violent. An intellectual way to describe it would be to say -there could be change instigated by violent action....

New Moon in Libra

October 4, 2021

  It’s New Moon time and it perfects in Libra on Oct. 6th at 5:05 Am MDT. This lunation is loaded. Both the Sun and Moon are within a degree of a conjunction to Mars and Quincunx to Uranus. This combination is unpredictable, unsettling and maybe even shocking. For some this planetary set up could be like a release valve. You might shock yourself by how you react in a situation. Mars/Uranus can be a fly off the handle energy. At the very least there will be surprises. Libra is concerned with what’s fair and what needs to happen to maintain homeostasis. This is something that can get Libra into trouble. Libra may try to keep the peace at all costs- sometimes the cost can be integrity. Mars with the Sun and Moon can give a boost of enthusiasm, or aggression- so there’ll be a feeling of fighting for what’s fair....

Full Moon in Pisces

September 19, 2021

  We have a Full Moon in Pisces today; it perfects at 5:54 PM Mountain. This is the most empathic placement for the Moon. It asks us to dream, expand, hope and be generous of spirit. As soon as the Moon moves off its perfect opposition to the Sun, it will be void of course. What this means is that the Moon won’t make any major aspects to other planets before changing signs. You can use this part of the lunar cycle to your benefit by releasing things you truly want to be done with. Void of Course Moons (VOC) are helpful when you want to put something to rest. Like Steven Forrest says in The Book of the Moon, this is the time to sign divorce papers, or send in your taxes- things you want to be done with....

New Moon in Virgo

September 3, 2021

  The New Moon in Virgo perfects at 6:51 PM mountain time on Monday September 6th. It’s a pretty wild chart. The Sun and Moon are trine Uranus within one minute. This combination signifies an excellent opportunity for change, increased independence and an uptick in spontaneity. This could be a time when you surprise yourself with quick action and movement in a totally new direction. This energy will be gone as fast as it comes, so don’t waste time thinking too hard about it. This is even more relevant if you have personal planets at 13°-15°.  Don’t be too worried about getting all the details nailed down before moving on it- you can make adjustments as needed. This opportunity is more about the journey than it is about the destination. We also have Mars in harmonious aspect with Pluto- when they’re playing nice, it doesn’t mean the changes they bring are easy, just that the way is clear for the planets to enact their will....

Full Moon in Aquarius

August 20, 2021

We have a Full Moon in Aquarius on Sunday- it perfects at 6:02 AM in this part of the world (Mountain time). What’s striking about this particular lunation is the Sun and Moon are poised at 29°37′, meaning they’re just about to change signs. This indicates we’re each at the tail end of something, or poised for change, wherever this lands in our charts. I will be doing my releasing exercise with extra mindfulness to the potency of this 29 degrees. Letting go of unnecessary beliefs and behaviours will carry some extra significance now. At 29 degrees there’s an anxiousness to the energy of the planets, and it may feel heavier because the Sun is leaving it’s sign. Add to that the Moon’s separation from Jupiter, and this full Moon could leave some feeling a bit sad, or with an unexplained longing. It’ll pass....

Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

May 25, 2021

  Eclipse season is here and we have a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius perfecting tomorrow. This isn’t a typical full Moon! It’s time to let go of the things you’re ready to leave behind. The Moon will be making it’s opposition to the Sun while approaching its own South Node, making this a South Node eclipse. While Full Moons are already about releasing, and eclipses add another layer of purging energy- the South Node connection magnifies all of this exponentially, making this eclipse season an incredible time to purge, clear and shed all that no longer feeds your mind, body and soul. Sagittarius brings to mind words like ideology, philosophy and judgement- so ask yourself how these parts of you can use a house cleaning. With Saturn retrograde and Mercury about to go retrograde, it’s time to revisit things you’ve put aside....

New Moon in Taurus

May 10, 2021

New Moon today, in the sign of Taurus. This is a beautiful place for the Moon to be. This is where the Moon is exalted. It’s about comfort, stability, security. I keep seeing on the interwebs that Taurus is preoccupied with being rich. This is one of those crappy generalizations that’s missing the essence of the energetics of the sign. Taurus is preoccupied with physical comfort and when we’re talking about the Moon, it’s about emotional safety- so naturally a preoccupation with monetary means will most likely be present. BUT, for there to be a connection to being rich, there has to be something in the chart driven by a need for social status and also something in the chart motivated enough to go out and make the money somehow. Sun or Moon in Taurus will often appreciate antiques- items that are long lasting, made of quality materials and have a history....

Full Moon in Scorpio

April 26, 2021

Tonight we have a full Moon in Scorpio perfecting at 9:31 PM Mountain time. The first thing that strikes me about the chart is the fixity of the thing. There are 7 planets in fixed signs- that is a hell of a lot. The only thing that’s got some action is a very unhappy Mars -although Mars and the Moon are in each others signs and technically that’s a good thing- but seriously, this is a recipe for stand-offs leading to emotional outburst, or for uncontrollable emotions overcoming you, or for the passive aggressive among us, some serious emotional manipulation in order to have things move in their favor.  We had such a major change in the cosmic vibe last week that many people are feeling like they got hit by a celestial boulder, leaving them feeling like a nap and cheesecake are the only options....

New Moon in Aries

April 8, 2021

New Moon in Aries this weekend. I’ve done a lot of whining over the last while about the lack of fire we had in the sky, and now it’s all we’ve got. In the New Moon chart not only do we have the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus in Aries- Chiron and Ceres are in Aries as well. That’s a lot of Martian energy! This much rammy fire can have us feeling impatient, brazen, and filled with childlike energy. Child-like enthusiasm is one of the themes of this new Moon along with bravery and carving your own path. The gift of Aries is a no looking back- attack life with abandon way of living.  Aries energy can seem impetuous and although it’s intense, on its own, it lacks staying power. Aries tends to bore easily, be impatient and charge ahead without thinking. ...

Full Moon in Libra

March 26, 2021

What an incredible Full Moon in Libra we’ll have this weekend! There’s a huge resonance with the number 8- I’m not a numerologist, but we have the Sun, Venus, Moon, Uranus, Chiron and asteroid Vesta all at 8 degrees- which means there’s a lot of energy stimulating any point in your chart between 7°-9°. The number 8 is associated with power, resilience, endurance and achievement. The 8th card in the tarot is the Strength card. This is the first Full Moon of our new solar year and it’s filled with deep emotional lessons and healing. We’re going to be examining what we value, issues around self-worth and deep scarring around our individuality, independence and resilience. This is a time to redefine relationships to self and others. Co-dependency will need to be evaluated. What kinds of undesirable habits have you developed if you’re in a relationship and getting much more together time than ever before....

New Moon in Pisces

March 12, 2021

We start a new lunar cycle tomorrow with a New Moon in Pisces. We’ll get an extra dose of Piscean energy since Neptune and Venus are right there with the Sun and the Moon. Venus LOVES being in Pisces- it’s their sign of exaltation. Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces – although I don’t use modern rulerships, I can say that Neptune is very strong in the fish sign- making it’s pull towards escapist, delusional, obscuring tendencies extra potent. The traditional ruler of Pisces- Jupiter- is still in the heady sign of Aquarius. Jupiter being in the pragmatic, intellectually driven sign of Aquarius, could lead to some ideas being dismissed, (especially if they require change) or the expansive nature of Pisces being stifled. If fear is the thing getting in your way, take a good look at it. Does this fear serve you anymore?...

Full Moon in Virgo is on the Way

February 26, 2021

It’s Full Moon time again! This time @ 8°57′ Virgo. It will peak at 1:17 AM MDT on Saturday February 27th. This Full Moon will be more significant for you if you have personal planets and points at 7-9º- especially the fixed and mutable signs. (The Modalities.) The Sun and the Moon in this lunation are joining Saturn and the centaur Chiron to form a unique configuration called a boomerang. The very uncomfortable aspects being formed by the Moon to Saturn and Chiron are called Quincunx– 150° aspects that create a feeling of insecurity, and therefore drive a need to make adjustments and small changes to alleviate the discomfort. But, because of the insecure nature of the planets involved not being able to see each other, choosing the right direction is very difficult, leaving one feeling helpless and frustrated. As we’re talking about the Moon in Virgo- needing to be of service and help others, Saturn which is militant in its need for change in Aquarius (a rebel with too many causes) and Chiron- the little centaur of wounding and a need to heal at the deepest level....

Elements & Modalities

February 25, 2021

Elements and modalities. ...

New Moon in Aquarius

February 9, 2021

There’s a New Moon in Aquarius perfecting at 12:05 PM on Thursday.  Now we have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all in the same sign. Aquarius is an air sign- it’s the fixed air sign.  We also have Mars in Taurus, another fixed sign. When we’re talking about fixed sign we’re thinking words like permanent, stable, consistent, also stubborn, rigid and stuck. So if we combine the ideas of air being the thinking element and we add all the fixed on top of it, we can get people who are stuck in their thinking. Or, we could have situations becoming stagnant so then new ideas need to be introduced to move the stagnant energy. People who have a lot of Aquarius in their charts can tend to live in their heads rather than their bodies....

Full Moon in Leo

January 28, 2021

We have a Full Moon in Leo today with Jupiter conjunct the Sun opposing the Moon. Fire Moons are about play and self-expression. In Leo there is a strong emphasis on creative self-expression. With the Sun ruling the Moon being conjunct Jupiter, there’s a need to look objectively at how you take up space in the world. Do you feel safe being seen? Are you trying to make yourself smaller than you are? If so, why? Being seen doesn’t have to involve jumping up and down begging for attention, it just means being able to own your gifts and letting them shine through. It’s a great time to evaluate how you might limit yourself from being seen. On the other end of the spectrum- are you someone who will do anything to get attention? Is there a healthier way to achieve this....

New Moon in Capricorn

January 12, 2021

There’s a New Moon in Capricorn tonight. It will perfect at 10:00 PM MDT. There are a few mentionable features about this New Moon chart. The last few significant astrological events have pointed towards further disturbances and chaos. You just have to look at the news, or log onto twitter to confirm this is true of what we’re seeing in the world. One of the most talked about astronomical events was the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. Some people assumed this was going to be a marked improvement- there’s a belief in some astrological circles that Aquarius is a progressive and humanitarian sign, but the truth is we’re still dealing with Saturn energy. Even if one feels strongly that Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and is more humanitarian in nature, at the very least, this is fixed energy. What Aquarius does have the potential to produce is revolutionary ideas and solutions that are innovative. ...

Happy Solstice!!

December 20, 2020

Happy Solstice! It’s that time of year again, where in the Northern hemisphere we can let out a collective sigh as the days start getting longer while we freeze our patooties off. There’s a lot going on in this solstice chart. Not only is the Sun at 0° Capricorn – the event that marks the solstice, but so are Mercury- which is conjunct the Sun- Jupiter and Saturn are 2 minutes from their Great Conjunction. Not only will this be significant for those with 0-1 degree of fixed signs, but also those who have 0° of the cardinal signs- this is a lot of stimulation to half the zodiac.  We also have Pluto square Mars at 23 degrees of cardinal, so Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn are getting it from a few directions. In the middle of that square is the Moon at 23º Pisces- acting as a conduit of sorts....

Solar Eclipse Time!

December 13, 2020

We’re going through another eclipse and this time it’s at 23°08′ of Sagittarius. This is a solar (new Moon) eclipse, and the New Moon will perfect at 9:16 am MST on Monday December 14th, 2020. This eclipse is taking place at the South Node of the Moon and has great potential for clearing and releasing. Try focusing on emotional junk and build up that is potentially effecting health and mental well-being. This particular New Moon could unleash well buried emotions. If things bubble up unexpectedly- avoid making rash or sudden decisions. Instead, focus on taking care of yourself, checking in with how you’re honestly feeling and making a plan for success. Put your rocks away- I’m putting mine in the salt for the next couple days. If you can and wish to make use of the eclipse helping potential, try to take a bit of time to do some clearing- salt soak, dietary cleanse or extra rest will be helpful....

Gemini Full Moon Eclipse

November 29, 2020

We have a Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini while we sleep tonight- at least where I am it’ll be while I sleep- hopefully. This lunation perfects at 8° 40′ @ 3:20 Am MDT. The reason I say hopefully is last night I was wired for sound. I was wide awake until about 4 AM and didn’t fall asleep until closer to 5. I hadn’t considered the approach of the Full Moon as being the culprit, but it makes sense. I’m experiencing a series of stimulating transits including the Sun squaring my own Sun last night, so I was charged up and frustrated. For those of you with important placements at 7-8 degrees of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces- you may be feeling the zap of this full Moon more intensely. With the Moon in Gemini and the Sun is Sagittarius- this is about speaking truth, self-honesty, and letting go of limiting thoughts. ...

New Moon in Scorpio!

November 12, 2020

  We have a new Moon in Scorpio this weekend! It perfects Saturday night at 10:07 PM MDT @ 23° 17′ Scorpio. There’s a lot of activity astrologically in this chart, so this lunation will pack a punch for some. Mars stationed to start going forward again Yesterday, and will begin slowly moving forward on Saturday. This is significant in its own right, but since it’s ruling the Sun and Moon for Saturday’s lunation, the shift adds a potency to the event. It’s been a long 9 1/2 weeks, seeing delays, obstacles, crankiness and for some literal physical ailments forcing some of us to slow down. For this reason, the New Moon really can mark a new beginning of something. Something to pay attention to are issues that started festering in mid October. These may come bubbling to the surface–...

Halloween Full Moon

October 30, 2020

Happy Halloween! We have a Full Moon in Taurus today- how perfect is that?! A Moon in Taurus tends to mark a certain level of indulgence. Venus rules Taurus and Venus rules sugar. Venus is strong right now in it’s own sign of Libra, and with the current state of the world, we’ll likely be tempted to self-sooth through the sweetness of Venus. Since we’ll be at home social distancing for the most part, I predict many of us will eat a lot of our own candy. Mercury and Mars are still retrograde, so our desire to connect or motivation to get moving aren’t great- so many of us won’t be too sad about keeping it low key. Uranus is cozied right up to the Moon at the time it perfects, so what you planned might be turned upside down. There should be some surprises for a few of us....

New Moon in Libra

October 16, 2020

There’s a New Moon in Libra today and it perfected at 12:49 PM MDT. One of the unique features of this lunation is the connection between the New Moon and the fixed star Spica. Spica is known to bring good fortune. It’s energy is like Mars and Venus. So there’s an element of finding balance. Spica is said to deliver rewards for hard work- this gels with the connection between Jupiter and Saturn, as Jupiter is moving to make an important conjunction with Saturn later this year. All signs point to the potential power of the intentions you set this weekend. Spica is also associated with sage- so I’m going to clear my space with sage and sit down to set some clear goals for myself for the rest of 2020 heading into 2021. This current Mars retrograde seems to have been screaming at us to slow down, and now with Mars’...

Full Moon in Pisces

September 1, 2020

  A Full Moon at 10º12′ Pisces perfects tonight at 11:21 PM MDT. This is a very dynamic Full Moon featuring an opposition of Saturn and Venus, 4 planets retrograde, Mars getting ready to retrograde in a little over a week and Mercury making beneficial aspects to Venus and Saturn. It really is an astrological party right now– including the token belligerent drunk guy talking to himself in the corner- we’ll call him Jupiter. My first thought was to feel sorry for us all that Mars is about to turn retrograde. It’s not a great thing- don’t get me wrong, but it can be positive in that Mars in Aries has us all wanting to run full steam ahead. That would be great if we knew what direction we were supposed to be running in, but we don’t....

New Moon in Leo

August 18, 2020

It’s a New Moon in Leo today, and it perfects at 8:41 PM MDT, @ 26º Leo 35′. The Moon is leaving a trine with Mars to join the Sun and Mercury. This is a fiery combo which has the potential to ignite creativity and passion while flaring egos and tempers.  I don’t know how you’ve been fairing during Mars’ time in Aries, but it’s traversing my first house. This has left me impatient and needing a little more alone time/independence than usual. Normally Mars would make quick work of it’s travels through a house, but not this time. Mars will station retrograde in 3 weeks before it gets to the end of the sign, so it will spend a little over 6 months in it’s own sign, instead of the typical month and a half because of it’s retrograde cycle- so whatever house it is in for you, Mars will juice up the affairs of the house....

New Moon in Cancer

July 19, 2020

Tomorrow is a New Moon in Cancer. It perfects at 28°26′ Cancer at 11:32 AM MDT. This is our second New Moon in Cancer this year. Thankfully, this one’s not an eclipse. Energetically we may feel like we get a fresh start just before the Sun moves into Leo. This Mansion of  Moon here brings healing. This kind of healing is about family, our habits and routines and re-assessing  how much work we need to put into these things. The Sun and Moon are tightly opposed Saturn, so this is not a no holds barred, let’s start a new life kinda Moon. It’s a good time to consider how to better take care of and protect yourself. During this time of limited social contact have you stopped caring about your health and well being? I know I’ve slipped into some pretty sabotaging habits....

Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn

July 3, 2020

We just had a Solar eclipse in Cancer- and now the matching set in a Lunar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. This Full Moon eclipse perfects at 10:44 PM MDT @ 13°37′ Capricorn on July 4th. Capricorn is about self-restrain, self-discipline, realism and practicality (among other things of course). It’s appropriate for the times we’re in. When we look to situations where people have rushed in socially without using these gifts, we’ve seen increases of illness. I’m not going to get into the details because I’m sure you’re as sick of getting bad news as I am of delivering it. The reality is, this astrological stretch of difficult change and transformation is long from over- there will be some bright spots- but not this time. This eclipse is about letting go of the things you don’t need anymore- belongings, luxuries, outdated beliefs and most importantly, delusions of any kind.  ...

Solar Eclipse in Cancer

June 20, 2020

We have a solar eclipse New Moon perfecting at 12:41 am MDT. It’s happening at 00°21′ Cancer. The themes here are around family. We also have Saturn at 0 degrees and it’s making a very tight quincunx (150°) aspect to the New Moon. Quincunx aspects are about not seeing eye to eye, or not being able to see the goal line. The planets involved can’t see each other, and therefore adjustments need to be made for any kind of work to be done on their behalf. With the Moon being in its own sign and the symbol for mother, and Saturn being in its own sign and representing father- we have a disconnect with these 2 roles as we have understood them. Family may be an important issue for some of us. Saturn in Aquarius can represent rule breaking and acting out against the current norms and rules. ...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

June 4, 2020

We have a Full Moon eclipse tomorrow. It perfects at 1:12 PM MDT at 15°34′ Sagittarius. One of the words that always comes to mind when I see a Gemini/ Sagittarius opposition is “opinions”- polarizing opinions. The nodal axis has just moved onto this axis, so this energy is something we’re healing right now, and will be for the next 19 months. This is an intense time, and one of the many things that makes it so is a bombardment of opinions on social media. Everywhere you turn someone is trying to sway your opinion, enforce their own opinion, everybody and their dog is writing on “op ed”, which is…an OPINION piece. Gemini is tied into our nerves, so one of the things to come out of this period are over taxed nervous systems. If this is true for you, make sure to take a brake form social media and collect your thoughts....

New Moon in Gemini

May 21, 2020

We have a New Moon at 2°04′ Gemini on Friday that will perfect at 11:38 am MDT. The Moon going from Balsamic to New is usually an instant pick-me-up for me, but this one is super charged. Gemini is a busy sign, chatty, gathering information and keeping itself busy, so if you add the dynamic energy of the new Moon, it’s bound to be a flourish of communication and connecting in every way possible. We are all bound to get stuck in our heads, over think and have a hard time making decisions at some point during the next 4 weeks. Normally I’d say this would be an excellent time to collect info, do some research, flirt – Gemini things – because Mercury is in it’s own sign of Gemini, which amplifies the Gemini qualities of this lunation, but here are a some things complicating matters....

A Season of Retrogrades

May 17, 2020

Right now Pluto, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter are Retrograde. They all entered their retrograde cycle this last week, except Pluto which shifted at the end of April. As a matter of fact we will have 4-5 planets retrograde at the same time until November. This is fitting, given we’re in a time of relearning what all areas of life are going to look like. Based on the planetary slow down, I predict we’re in for a lot of stops and starts, re-dos, adjustments and failures. Retrograde cycles are about re-assessing, re-imagining—all the re’s. Re-do, re-evaluate, re-open, re-store…the list goes on. Having Saturn, Jupiter and Venus retrograde together is a fascinating combination though. Venus is about our desires, our values, our belongings, so this is a chance to analyze these things and re-define what’s important to us. Jupiter represents opportunities and optimism, so plans we were looking forward to will have to be rescheduled or re-imagined....

Taurus New Moon

April 22, 2020

Tonight at 9:54 PM we have a New Moon at 3°27′ Taurus , and some interesting astrology to accompany it. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus -Venus is in the very social sign of Gemini. Also, Venus is travelling out of bounds right now. Combine that with Gemini’s ruler Mercury being in the very impatient sign of Aries. We are also experiencing  an anticipatory energy as a couple of things are about to change signs, and NOTHING is retrograde. Finally, the Sun and the Moon are connected to the disruptive and supercharged planet Uranus. All of this is a recipe for high anxiety levels and stress, especially if we’re feeling cooped up. So let’s break this down a bit. First off, Venus out of bounds can translate into there  being no limits to what we want- socializing, beauty, shopping- Venus in Gemini wants choices and variety....

Full Moon in Libra

April 6, 2020

Tomorrow we have a Full Moon in Libra. It will perfect at 7:07 PM MDT at 18°40′ Libra. The Moon in Libra is highlighting fairness, kindness, social consciousness, cooperation, and balance. When we have this particular Sun Moon combination it’s about learning to find the balance between self and others. This time the Moon is highlighting which social conventions we can discard and which ones are beneficial at this time. It’s a great time to be independent and to take the time to consider what that means to you. Relationships are always a factor of consideration when we have the Aries/Libra axis highlighted. The idea of independence versus co-dependence is the issue at the heart of the question. Being forced into confinement with loved ones can really bring these things into focus. Our mission is to re-calibrate the imbalances in our lives and get rid of the behaviours and habits that foster co-dependence....

New Moon in Aries

March 23, 2020

Tomorrow morning, while we sleep, we have a new Moon at 4° 12″ Aries. When I write these lunation posts I look at the entire chart to get an overall picture of what this phase is about, and this one is power packed. The Aries new Moon itself symbolizes the potential of jumping into new beginnings with abandon- naively. Aries energy is very much about being individualistic, sometimes to the point of rebellion. Blindly fighting against (at this point in the dark of the New Moon) invisible antagonizers.   It’s a warrior Moon and it’s connected to an asteroid- Chiron- which is about healing old wounds. The Moon and Chiron are square the nodal axis, so this feels very much like a collective healing, and it’s pretty literal –we’re being forced to be by ourselves in order to help the planet (people on it) heal....

Happy New Year!

March 19, 2020

  It’s a new year! In Astrology, everything begins again when the Sun moves into the sign of Aries. So this will be official at 9:49 PM MDT. We call this the Aries ingress, and you can look at the chart of that moment and read it as a chart for the year. This was very tough to write. Editors always want us to sugar coat shit, but that just ends up making astrologers look like we don’t know what we’re talking about, and does a great disservice to our readers and listeners and clients. The astrology of now is rough. Astrologers have been talking about 2020 for years now. Some predicted a plague, many predicted a collapse of our economic systems and even governments. There have also been predictions about much of our lives moving to a virtual platform....

Full Moon in Virgo!

March 5, 2020

  It’s a Full Moon, and this time it’s at 19 ° Virgo and perfects Monday March 9th at 11:47 am MST. With the Sun on the opposite side in Pisces and nestled up with Neptune, it’s a time to let ego dissolve and for us to make way for more spiritual connection and unconditional self-love. There are 7 planets in earth right now, 2 planets in water and Mercury in air. But Mercury’s stationing to move direct, so it’s not adding the breath of fresh air it usually would when it’s in Aquarius. What this elemental combination means is, fire and air signs (or people who’s charts are heavy in these elements) might feel drained, uninspired and/or frustrated. I find that when there’s a lack of air astrologically, people in general are a little less social, especially air signs....

New Moon in Pisces

February 20, 2020

Sunday the 23rd at 8:31 am MST we have a New Moon in Pisces, at 4°28′. It’s an interesting time in the sky as every planet is within 120° of the Zodiac. Mercury is retrograde in its least favorite sign and moving back towards the Sun and Moon. This energy is all about setting up boundaries. Emotional boundaries, communication boundaries and energetic boundaries. Things can get a little hairy with Pisces energy- we are a species of vocabulary. Whether we express this with our mouths or our hands in Pisces, language feels limiting- frustrating. When there’s this much energy in Pisces we can forget to speak, thinking we told people our thoughts, when really we were just having conversations in our heads. We can be forgetful. We can get lost in our daydreams or just plane unable to get our thoughts across....

Full Moon in Leo

February 7, 2020

This weekend we have a Full Moon at 20 ° Leo perfecting at 12:33 Am MST, February 9th. Saturn is still running the planetary show, being the only planet in it’s own sign of Capricorn. This means the themes of hard work, commitment and being a grown-up are still the primary focus, but having the glorious Moon at it’s brightest in the sign of the lion says take a bow, accept attention and allow yourself to get noticed for your accomplishments, hard work and expertise.  If you’re working on specific projects or have gotten stuck moving forward on something- get creative with your ideas and solutions. Don’t be shy with ideas- but remember to be humble. If moving forward with things depends on other people and you’re not getting what you want or need from them, compliments and positive attention will get you better results than pulling rank or getting cranky....

New Moon in Aquarius

January 22, 2020

  We have an Aquarius New Moon coming at us Friday January 24th @ 2:41 PM MST. With all the Capricorn stuff we came into this year with, (Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto) and the 2 eclipses which were very Capricornian and about endings, releasing, and purging – this New Moon has the potential to feel more like the New Year than January 1st did. It’s the Lunar New Year, so that’s appropriate. It’s a strange mix of planetary vibes for this Sun/Moon meet-up. Aquarius in itself is a strange feeling for the Moon. It’s not an emoting sign. Aquarius is about rationalizing emotions and seeing things from that special brand of (what Aquarians like to call) logic in order to detach from all the things. I joke about Aquarian logic because it usually doesn’t operate in a straight line- it leaps from point A to C back to F then comes up with the answer for X, while the rest of us are wondering WTF just happened and how did they do that?...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

January 10, 2020

This is quite the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse! What should be one of the most powerful Full Moon’s of the year due to the Moon being in it’s own sign, is actually not. During a full Moon, the Sun helps the Moon shine it’s brightest, but instead, La Luna is being blocked.  In the Mean time, Mercury is almost exactly conjunct (the same degree as) the Sun, so it’s lending it’s energy to this lunation. Translated, this could mean we’re over thinking things. Mercury in Capricorn can mean thinking that’s overly pragmatic, traditional, serious and ambitious- so this could be a matter of letting your work and other commitments get in the way of nurturing yourself. Are you eating right? Are you taking time to rest? This particular eclipse and the cycle it belongs to are described by Bernadette Brady like this- “...

Happy Holidays!

December 22, 2019

Happy holidays astrology lovers! I just want to take a moment to thank you for reading my words and supporting my astrology. It has been a crazy year! We have an interesting Christmas coming at us. We are gifted with a Solar eclipse on Christmas night. The vibe for Christmas eve should be low key and nostalgic. It’s a great time to finish things off and close up projects or situations that are ready to end. We’ll be releasing some old baggage and saying goodbye to things that aren’t working any more. As always we can do this in a conscious way, or let it happen, either way this is a time of endings on some level. It’s a great time to let go of traditions that aren’t bringing joy anymore, or releasing habits that are getting in the way of your success....

New Moon in Sagittarius

November 26, 2019

  At 8:05 AM MDT the New Moon perfected at 4°03′ Sagittarius. Raven Kalderra calls this the Gypsy’s Moon. Sagittarius is all about adventure, experiencing different cultures and having experiences outside its origin and comfort zone. Sagittarius sees the big expansive picture and isn’t usually the best with the details. Sadge has grand ideas and optimistic goals, and can be a breath of fresh air in a dark time. It is ideological and not often objective. During this new Moon, set goals to have experiences that thrill you and expand your world view. Take a look at life from a wider perspective and try to minimize getting hung-up on details. Spread your wings and fly, life is only as limited as our minds make it. Learning something new is a great way to use this New Moon....

Mercury Changes Direction & Mars Changes Everything

November 19, 2019

I don’t know about you all, but yesterday sucked! I couldn’t focus to save my life. It turns out that Mercury stationed direct and soon will be moving forward again, and Mars was at 29° getting ready to move from Libra (a sign it doesn’t like to be in) into Scorpio (a sign it rules). For me, this resulted in a serious case of ADD while leaving me in a panicked state over all the deadlines I have this week. Usually, with deadlines looming I have no problem working hard and making progress, but for every 20 words I wrote yesterday, I typed another 25 into Twitter. As Libra is the sign responsible for FOMO (fear of missing out), Mars is action  and 29° can create a feeling of urgency…I’m blaming Mars, and with Mercury standing still, Mercury’s in charge of thinking, my brain was still....

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio

October 29, 2019

Mercury retrogrades from October 31st- November 20th in the sign of Scorpio. It has already been stationing for a few days. Based on what I’ve seen on social media, my own experiences and the swearing coming from my husbands office while he tries to do some work on our computer system, the mischief makers retrograde energy is already being felt. It’s actually in it’s stationing phase of the cycle, which is often more problematic than the retrograde itself. Mercury retrograde is a good time to revisit things- projects, conversations, ideas– anything Mercury related. In Scorpio, it’s about getting to the deepest truth of the matter. Secrets can be uncovered, problems can resurface, but always, there can the opportunity to adjust the situation. With the Sun, and Venus also in Scorpio, it’s an intense time....

New Moon is Scorpio

October 25, 2019

Sunday we have a New Moon at 4°25 Scorpio, opposite Uranus. This is a sensual New Moon with Venus the planet of romance and love in Mars’ sign, and Mars in Venus’ sign- Libra. Mars, among other things, is the planet of sex, drive and conquest. With the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and the asteroid Pallas all in Scorpio, there’s a lusty Goddess energy. This is even stronger as Venus, Pallas and Mercury are coming together; remember, Mercury will play for whatever team it’s on based on the sign it’s in, so here Mercury has Goddess energy. The sign of Scorpio is about death and rebirth, always searching for the potential for deeply transformational situations- creating them if it has to. This is why I love the symbol of the phoenix for Scorpio, rather than the scorpion. Imaging the Phoenix erupting into a ball of flames, only to come back and rebuild it all....

Woah! Dramatic Full Moon Ahead!

October 10, 2019

Well folks, this is a big one. Full Moon’s are reputed to be dramatic already, but seriously, the potential for it this weekend – Canadian thanksgiving weekend – is real. The planetary energy is much more supportive of hot make-up sex than a family gathering, but that’s a generalization and all families are different so… I’ll try to shift to optimism, but I’m fairly cranky these days, so it’ll be a mixed bag at best. This is an Aries full Moon, with the Sun in Libra. The lunation perfects at 20 degrees and 13 minutes. We also have Jupiter at 20 degrees in Sagittarius, which is a lovely aspect to the Moon. This can bring fun and adventures, optimism and getting together. Jupiter in its own sign can also bring loud opinions, and judginess…just sayin....

Mercury’s in Scorpio and We’re Going Deep

October 3, 2019

Things are about to get real – Mercury’s just gone into Scorpio, and Venus will join in 5 days. But before Venus moves, Mars will ingress into Libra. Mars being in detriment will have an affect (effect) on how we experience Mercury and Venus in Mars’ sign. Mercury and Venus both prefer to be in gentler signs so this mash up could feel pretty tense to some people. Mars in it’s own sign of Aries is bold and direct, it doesn’t hesitate to act quite impulsively and thoughtlessly by nature- but that’s Mars in it’s glory. When it moves into the opposite sign of Libra, the problem comes from the nature of Libra- concerned with what others think, Libra needs to consider this before it acts. So, in Libra, Mars is frustrated and badly behaved. Now our planet of communication and then our planet of love, romance, and values are answering to a frustrated fighter. ...

Libra New Moon

September 28, 2019

The Libra New Moon is here. It’s time to set intentions and open up to new ideas. As the leaves change and our energy shifts, we’re able to think a bit clearer and with less emotion than we did a few weeks ago with many of the planets finally in the air sign of Libra. Libra is about charm, romance and trying to find balance. There’s a false idea that people with strong Libra ARE balanced. The truth is, they are trying to FIND balance. We’re being called to redefine our ideals around beauty and perfection, and examine how those ideals shape our self-worth. How we value ourselves is key, and learning to do so with health and grace is a good way to move forward. The Libra weakness is the overpowering desire to be liked and accepted, so we need to ask ourselves- how have we fallen prey to these impulses and what do we need to release to find balance and return to self-love?...

This Pisces Full Moon is Critical

September 10, 2019

Friday the 13th is punctuated by a 21 degrees Pisces Full Moon and decisions are critical. First of all we have the Moon opposing the Sun in critical Virgo. Listen, I’m a Sun in Virgo, and I can definitely be critical, but the thing of this Full Moon is, while the Sun and Moon perfect their opposition, Venus and Mercury are both at 29 degrees of the sign, and 29 is a critical degree, so it’s not just about the act of being critical, this lunation highlights a critical time. So let’s just talk about this last few weeks- all of the personal planets have been passing through Virgo – Mercury, Venus, Mars, the Sun and 2 weeks ago we had a New Moon in Virgo. I feel like someone amped up my Virgo to 11- that New Moon happened exactly on my Sun....

Virgo New Moon

August 30, 2019

Sorry I’m a little late on this New Moon post. I’ve been overwhelmed and uninspired. Yesterday was a big birthday for me, and I’m not impressed. I’m just not sure how I got to be 50 this fast. Anyway. It’s a New Moon in Virgo but it’s not just the Sun and Moon there- Mars, Venus and Mercury have joined the party. There’s a lot of self improvement to do. It’s time to streamline all of the things. Clean up all of the things. Better diet, healthier routine, improve organization…all of it. Virgo is all about efficiency and accuracy, so figure out how to get it right- whatever area Virgo rules in your life, most of the planets are telling you to figure it the eff out. It’s pretty simple really- just like Virgo. True- Virgo energy wants things to be simply perfect and to have everything fit together seamlessly....

Aquarius Full Moon

August 13, 2019

The Full Moon in Aquarius perfects August 15th at 8:05 AM MDT. Aquarius Moon is about friends, fairness and emotional limits. When you meet someone with an Aquarius Moon they can seem detached or cold if you don’t have much air in your own chart. But the reality is, they can be the most supportive humans if it involves you being YOU. They don’t attach themselves to your outcomes and limit their investment in your emotional problems. Thursday’s Full Moon asks us to honor this egalitarian perspective, detach from the ego driven, goal setting of Leo, and charge forward with no attachment to the outcome. The Sun is borrowing energy from Venus, so it’s easy to get caught up in the shallow side of Leo and Venus, but the Moon’s message speaks to a healthy sense of self-love, which allows us to love others without condition....

The Sleeping Lion New Moon

July 30, 2019

The New Moon in Leo is exact Wednesday, July 31st at 9:11 PM MST. This is the time to imagine how you’d like to shine. Make a plan. Plant the seed. With the Moon in its dark phase and the Sun in its own sign, we need to be conscious of not putting our egos ahead of our emotional well-being. Mercury is still in the sign of the Moon – Cancer – and is stationary, so this week should be extra full of miscommunications and emotional over reactions (and forget about your tech cooperating). With the Moon hiding in the dark, the true emotional motivation of things won’t be apparent right away. Try and hold off on reacting until you have some facts. The mood is passionate (and not very objective) with the elemental concentration being in fire....

Partial Lunar Eclipse- Take the Restraints Off

July 15, 2019

Tomorrow at 3:38 PM MDT is the perfection of the Full Moon in Capricorn, it’s also a partial Lunar Eclipse. A Lunar Eclipse happens when the earth gets between the Sun and the Moon and blocks the Moon from being able to reflect the Sun’s light. Eclipses are not times of manifesting, and because this Lunation is attached to the South Node of the Moon it’s like a double message to let things go. It’s about releasing restrictions, needless boundaries, hindering beliefs and negative self-talk. Beyond that, it’ll depend which house it’s in for you personally and what it is aspecting in your natal chart. Because it’s Capricorn, it is directly connected to issues around respect- self-respect, professional respect and a need to be taken seriously. What’s being blocked is how we nurture ourselves and others. There’s definitely a lot of nostalgia wrapped up in this Eclipse, so longing for warm fuzzies from your childhood is likely....

Solar Eclipse in Cancer

July 1, 2019

This week we have a solar eclipse / New Moon in Cancer shortly after Mars and before Venus change signs, but just before Mercury is about to station retrograde. It’s a lot. The good news is, Mars will move out of Cancer, shifting the energy from being driven by our emotional reactions to a more outgoing and creative expression of Mars. In Cancer, mars is pretty miserable as it’s the sign of its fall. Mars in Cancer in a person’s natal chart can be really productive, but when it transits that sign, it can be uncomfortable for those of us who don’t understand that cancerian motivation. Mars is more comfortable in a fire sign, but Leo’s a fixed fire sign, so things will slow down a  bit. That’s a good thing, because it includes people’s mood swings. What comes with Mars in Leo (anything in Leo really) is drama....

Pallas Athena- The Champion in our Chart

July 1, 2019

The Champion in a Chart By Tracy Quinlan (This article first appeared in the November 2018 issue of NCGR’s Memberletter) Pallas Athena asks us- what will you fight for? The asteroid is an important tool in astrology given the landscape of the world’s current politics. As marginalized populations work to rise through their repression and a persistent dichotomous environment continues to ferment and fester, Pallas’ message is crucial. There has been some great work done connecting Pallas in the natal chart to career and aptitude, and I agree the asteroid can be an incredible key into vocational astrology, especially for clients searching for meaning through their work, but Pallas also shows us what it is we will champion. The Myth Origins of Pallas Athene and Athena are speculated upon and the stories vary....

A Full Moon Made of Big Dreams

June 15, 2019

Happy Full Moon! This one’s loaded with big ideas and even bigger dreams. The Moon is in Sagittarius and the Sun in Gemini. This polarity is about grand ideals vs. the smaller pieces of information. It can also be looked at taking a leap of faith vs. waiting until you have all the information to inform your decision. All of these are important and the sweet spot lies somewhere in the middle. What’s interesting in this Full Moon chart are the planets in charge. Jupiter would have the final say in matters, being that it’s the final dispositor for all the personal planets (this just means that if you follow the trail back through which planets rule which signs most rods lead to Jupiter), but we still have Saturn in his own sign. It’s probably good since the only planet in a fixed sign is Uranus....

Moon Phases- Breathe

June 7, 2019

My first awakening to natal Moon phases was in a conversation with a fellow astrologer. I found her to be a ray of sunshine (generally speaking). She was easy to laugh, open and lovely to be around. Her overall positivity was contagious. When I discovered that she had the same Sun and Moon as a close friend who had a very similar chart, I was surprised. The friend leaned more towards dour than sunshiny, took very little risk, preferred her own company – in general didn’t really like other people much- they were so different from each other. The biggest astrological difference was in their Moon phases. The ray of sunshine was born during a New Moon phase, while the friend was born during the balsamic or waning crescent phase. Shortly after meeting my new astrologer buddy I was out for a meal with friends of my husbands, none of whom know me very well....

New Moon in Gemini

June 3, 2019

This quote really resonated for me when I was preparing for this New Moon blog post – “The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard  that food came out of his nose.” Garrison Keillor. Then I realized that this New Moon happened in my 3rd house which which is the house of siblings. The highlight of my childhood was making my brother and sister laugh so hard they couldn’t breath, and since Gemini rules the lungs this all fits perfectly. New Moons are for making plans, this is when the seed of an idea comes along and you decide how to move forward with it. It’s a dark Moon so launching things won’t be seen during a new Moon, so planning is the best use of this lunar phase. The Moon in Gemini highlights communication, community, decisions, and information gathering, so if you have intentions around these areas it’s time to get to planning....

Scorpio Full Moon

May 17, 2019

Tomorrow we have a Full Moon in Scorpio perfecting at 3:11 PM MDT. Scorpio Full Moons are usually intense, but this particular lunation packs some extra emotional punch. The Moon and Mars are in each others signs– signs neither like to be in. Mars likes to take action but in Cancer can feel paralyzed by to many emotions. The Moon is all about emoting and Scorpio is the master of hiding it’s emotions, so the combination is emotional frustration. This full Moon will potentially shed light on long buried emotional stuff. We’ve been in an extra long period of purging and that theme is carried through- even magnified – during this lunation. With Venus in her sign of stuff, beautifying and simplifying your space can help clean out emotional back log. This is an important time to rest and recuperate....

New Moon in Taurus – Self-Worth

May 2, 2019

The New Moon in Taurus will perfect on May 4th at 4:45 pm MST. When the Moon is in Taurus it’s in its sign of exaltation. This means that the Moon is very comfortable in Taurus. Think of it like that house guest who feels comfortable enough to wear your robe and eat all your food. If we couple that with the ruler Venus in Aries being ruled by Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Aries- this Taurus Moon is more energetic than a Taurus Moon usually would be. Add all of that to the New Moon phase and this is a buzzing time. Everyone is ready for change, chomping at the bit even. Out with the old and in with the new- that’s all good if you’ve done the hard work Saturn and the Nodes are demanding right now, but if you haven’t done the purging, there won’t be any room for anything new....

Horoscopes for May 2019

April 30, 2019

  Horoscopes are here! Astrologically I was personally getting my ass kicked in terms of planetary transits. It’s eased up a bit but all those triggers have left me a wee bit burned out, so hopefully these resonate. It was hard for me to even focus. To inspire myself I went looking at pictures of owls. I don’t know why, other than I love owls, but then I decided to pick an owl for each sign to illustrate this months astrological energy. I hope you enjoy them. For everyone, this is an emotional time. Many of us are being forced to face our pasts and let things go. The New Moon on the 4th will be the perfect time to take a good look at what direction you want to go in next, and the Full Moon mid-month will unearth a lot of buried crap....

Libra Full Moon

April 18, 2019

  The Full Moon phase is a time to harvest what you’ve grown. You may feel desperate to make changes – it’s okay to do so if you’re continuing something or picking up a project, person or hobby you’d stepped away from. Starting something brand new probably won’t go anywhere. In the Early Morning on Friday April 19th we’ll have a Full Moon in Libra. This lunation is special and intense. The Sun and Moon will be at 29 degrees which is the last beat at the end of the Sun’s run in Aries. The Libra Full Moon highlights a desire to be more social- to reach out to people and connect. Relationships of all kinds are at the heart of this Full Moon. With it being at 29 degrees I predict a heavy dose of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), but it will pass....

Jupiter Retrograde

April 11, 2019

“The Hermit” Art by Cathy McClelland It’s that time of year. Jupiter has an annual  4 month retrograde cycle. It begins just as the Sun is moving into a very positive aspect to Jupiter, both celestial bodies being dignified and strong, so there will be a lasting spark of optimism in the beginning of the cycle. Both Jupiter and the Sun are being challenged though. Mercury in emotional Pisces is presenting a challenge to express messy emotions while Pluto, the South Node and Saturn are challenging the Sun to take responsibility for the past and one’s own transformation. It’s a lot. As always, Jupiter retrograde is a time to go within and examine where we are ideologically. Are we living our truth? We are being asked to evaluate our personal ideas of right and wrong. Do our relationships, job, actions (depending on the house Jupiter is in your chart), reflect our moral values?...

New Moon Bravery

April 4, 2019

On Friday April 5th at 2:50 am MDT we have a New Moon in Aries coming at us. Moon in Aries is about being brave, initiating projects, trying new things, playing and looking at things with fresh eyes. It’s perfect for setting New Moon intentions and being courageous in your goal setting. You can achieve more than you ever dreamed if you shove fear and self-doubt out of the way and just try. Often, our egos get in the way. We’re afraid to fail, we’re afraid to succeed. All of it leads to change and most humans fear change more than anything. Not one person ever achieved their wildest dreams by playing it safe. The warning of an Aries Moon is to avoid being naive or taking short cuts. With Saturn in Capricorn, laziness and the easy way will not be rewarded....

Earth Sign Horoscopes April 1st

April 1, 2019

Earth Signs Horoscopes- Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn Taurus – I’m going to just say it. You guys feel better than you have for a while. More optimistic, less overwhelmed. It’s good. Taurus has had a rough go for a while now, especially those of you born at the very beginning of the sign. Well, there are still more surprises and shake-ups in your future. Luckily you’ve got some practice now, so it won’t be as jarring. The nice thing is the planets are swinging your way and your comfort level will increase as the month progresses. Take care of yourself and show the special people in your life how much they mean to you, you’re gushier than usual so the time is right. I suggest extra chocolate and snuggles. Make sure to have your eye to the future on the New Moon on 5th, that way YOU are directing the change in your life rather than just letting it all happen to you....

Air Signs Horoscopes

April 1, 2019

Air Signs Horoscopes  – Gemini, Libra & Aquarius Gemini- Oh Gemini. I feel your pain. This Mercury retrograde has been particularly rough on you. There have been too many emotions for you air thinkers to sort out. Between all the feels and your technology pooping the bed, it’s been rough. The good news is….well it’s going to be a while yet, and with Mars moving into your sign you’ll probably get angry before you get sorted. That’s cool. As long as you’re letting all the emotions out, you’ll be fine. In a couple of weeks your ruling planet will be much happier in the sign of Aries- Mercury and Mars will be working together while they’re in each other’s signs. For now- just breathe. Mentally escape into something that is a happy distraction and find people or things that make you laugh, like puppies…go find puppies....

Water Sign Horoscopes April 1st

April 1, 2019

  Water Sign Horoscopes– Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces Cancer – I can’t imagine the level of emotional stuff you’ve experienced in the last couple of weeks. The last full Moon was a doozy and there was little astrological support for you. Of course it depends on the rest of you chart, but if you are curled up under the covers eating icing out of a container, I wouldn’t blame you. The need to escape or hide has most likely been pretty overwhelming. Unfortunately life goes on and we have to try to keep up. The benefit to a cycle like we’re in is it’s designed to expose things that are hidden. Although that’s not easy for the crab, it’s necessary and healing. I’m gonna suggest that a healthy dose of f*@! it may be the way to move through some of the stuff right now, and remember to ask for a hug when you need one....

Fire Sign Horoscopes April 1st

April 1, 2019

Fire Signs – Aries, Leo & Sagittarius Aries – You may feel like you’ve lost direction. You can pick up speed now, but there are too many choices- at least it seems that way. Sleep may be illusive as your brain is working overtime with all the projects you want to tackle or decisions you need to make. Try to prioritize; it’ll make moving forward more productive. You’re chattier than usual and your filter may not be working. That’s fine – just prepare yourself for a little bite back from people who aren’t digging your honesty.  Then again, depending on what the rest of your chart looks like, you may just truck through the next few weeks unimpeded. If this is the case, be sure to cross your T’s and dot the I’s. Missing the details could kick you in the butt later on....

Horoscopes April 1st-19th

April 1, 2019

Horoscopes April 1-19 2019 For Everyone Horoscope Overview – We’ve had some major shifts recently. Venus went into its sign of exaltation- Pisces. Mercury has gone direct, although it will continue to snuggle up to Neptune until the 4th and is still in Pisces which is its sign of detriment. If you can imagine Mercury as a small impetuous child, who is dressed in an incredibly uncomfortable costume he hates, and he’s travelling with a person he can’t stand, and moving way too slowly for his liking….how would that child behave? Now, put that evil little brat in charge of all forms of communication and local transportation and Virgos and Geminis… it’s a bit of a mess. Now he’s also the boss of Mars, since Mars has just moved into Gemini- it’s like the world’s longest Mercury retrograde, and will make all other Mercury Retrogrades pale by comparison for years to come....

Mercury Retrograde- The Epic Saga

March 29, 2019

I keep seeing posts about Mercury retrograde being over…ummm no. Mercury is stationary. The planet is in it’s least favorite sign, doing it’s least favorite thing (not moving) and sidled up to a most uncomfortable planet (Neptune). Of course, if you’re born with this conditions in your natal chart this is a great time for you, but most of us were not, so remain aware. There’s potential to say things we can’t take back, believe bullshit or even weave a bit of our own deception- especially self-deception. In Horary astrology, (asking questions of specific situations) if Mercury plays a major role in the answer, it often represents lies, cheating, and theft. So Mercury, when not happy, is a bit of an ass. To add fuel to the situation, Venus has moved into Pisces. This is lovely- Venus LOVES being in Pisces–...

Happy Zodiacal New Year!

March 19, 2019

  Sun in Aries AND a Full Moon Brace yourselves!  We have our Zodiacal New Year and a Full Moon within hours of each other.  On March 20th the Sun goes into Aries in the late afternoon here on the prairies. The moment the Sun enters the sign of Aries begins the Vernal equinox – the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, and is the beginning of a new zodiacal year. This time always marks a new beginning- 00 Aries promises adventure and action. Even though we’re starting a new, there are many things left unresolved from the previous cycle. Although we may feel a surge of energy, there will have to be a few shifts over the next few weeks before we can truly move forward. Astrologers can call up a chart for the moment the Sun moves into Aries, and use this to get an impression of what the year looks like. ...

Air Sign Horoscopes for the Rest of March, 2019

March 11, 2019

Air Signs- Gemini, Libra and Aquarius Thank the Goddesses that Venus is in Aquarius. She’s breathing some vitality into you air signs. You’ve likely felt bogged down and heavy. This can make your brains stagnant making work and creativity very difficult. You may all feel drained and emotionally overwhelmed. This will pass in a few weeks. Hang in there. Gemini – Oh sweet Gemini. All of these emotions are just too much. They’re flooding in too fast to be able to intellectualize and may just spill out your eyes in the form of tears. It’s ok! It’s much better to release all that pent up stuff than to push it deep deep down. Lean on the ones you love and talk it all out, you know you always feel better once you’ve verbalized what’s bugging you. If you don’t feel safe enough with anyone to do this, I highly recommend a journal to write it all down in or start a video journal....

Fire Sign Horoscopes for the Rest of March, 2019

March 11, 2019

Fire Sign Horoscopes –Aries, Leo and Sagittarius The only planet in fire now is Jupiter in Sagittarius. Since Jupiter is the greater benefic, this is really helpful for fire signs. Jupiter in Sagittarius encourages optimism and because it’s a big energy, having Jupiter in fire can make up for the general lack of fire overall. That being said, the elemental imbalance may be hard on the Fire signs in general. Aries – Having your ruling planet in the slowest of the fixed signs feels a lot like walking through cement. You like things to move fast and they should be over quickly. That’s not going to happen now. Mars is in Taurus and although it’s a hard working mars, it’s slow and methodical and needs to finish what it starts…I know, you hate that, but it’s the way it’s going to be until the end of March....

Earth Sign Horoscopes for the Rest of March, 2019

March 11, 2019

Earth Signs- Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn There’s plenty of earth energy now. Most earth signs appreciate the grounding of it all. What’s uncomfortable can be all the emotional flow in the air. It’s a good time to listen to those you love and also say what you need. There’s lots of good planetary energy to get work done, but the emotional stuff can’t be ignored. Taurus– The time has finally come! Since May of last year you might have felt like life has been happening to you. A perceived loss of control has probably kept you frustrated and off balance. Whatever you’ve been flirting with for the past ten months can now move forward. Uranus is demanding change and the best way to make this easier is to make the changes small ones. Take a different route to work, try a new food – something manageable that you’ve wanted to do or try- now’s the time....

Water Signs Horoscopes for the Rest of March, 2019

March 11, 2019

Water Signs – Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces An injection of creative energy is the gift to the water signs now. While all the other elements are feeling out of sorts with the intense emotionality of the times, you guys are able to go with the flow. The challenge is to not fall into comfortable emotional patterns and not deal with issues that arise. It’s time to come up with some new emotional strategies for some old hurts. Cancer – It’s been intense emotionally. You’ve probably felt like you’re being pushed up against a wall. Balance has been hard to achieve and escaping to a safe place has probably happened more than you’d care to admit. It seems like it’s been all work and no play, unless you’ve taken the time to escape the grind. The trouble with escape is it’s very hard to come back from....

New Moon, Mercury Retrograde and so Much More

March 4, 2019

There’s change a comin! A New Moon in Pisces on Wednesday is just a tiny slice of what’s going on celestially. Venus just changed signs over the weekend moving from Capricorn into Aquarius. I keep seeing all of these pictures of outlandishly dressed older women chosen to represent Venus in Aquarius, but in truth, when I searched famous individuals with their natal placements of Venus in Aquarius they were almost unanimously very classic and downplayed in style. Venus is going from one Saturn sign to another, so the biggest switch is Venus is shifted from an earth to an air sign, meaning that Venus issues get more “thinky” and idea based rather than the  pragmatic problem solving style of Capricorn. What’s remarkable about the New Moon are the planetary shifts that occur within hours of its perfection. During the Balsamic hours Uranus will make it’s last ingress into Taurus meaning it will change signs and stay there....

Full Moon Thoughts- Release, Imagine, Plan

February 18, 2019

The Full Moon is nearly here. It reaches perfection here MST just before 9 AM. The Full Moon is at 0 degrees of Virgo opposing the Sun at 0 degrees of Pisces. This is a foreshadowing- a moment in time illuminating what’s to come. With the Sun just moving into Pisces and Mercury having just past Neptune, both in Pisces, this is a time to address emotions, communicating them and sitting in them. It’s not a comfortable process, but necessary. Usually Mercury moves very quickly, so a connection with Neptune would typically be brief (less than a day) but because it will soon begin it’s retrograde cycle, Mercury is going to come back to this place with Neptune at the end of March and ride with him through the sky for 12 days....

Danger- Risk of Over Analyzing Imminent

February 4, 2019

Today we have a New Moon in Aquarius. Feelings won’t be comfortable or even make sense, which could lead to a disconnect between what the heart wants and what the brain can process. Emotions will be hard to even identify let alone process. This New Moon is asking you to be practical- intellectual even-  going forward. We are all meant to ask ourselves – “am I honouring social contracts?” With the Sun and Moon in the signs of Aquarius we need to analyze when the right times are for us to fit in and when are we better served by rebelling? With Pallas the warrior Goddess asteroid sitting opposite to Uranus the electrified planet of change and chaos, we’re bound to see further social disturbances. Pallas is in Libra so equality and fairness will be highlighted....

Full Blood, Wolf Moon/ Eclipse

January 20, 2019

  The Full Moon and total lunar eclipse happen at 10:15 MST. I love this quote from a poem by Hanako Ishii because a lunar eclipse involves the Earth getting in between the Sun and Moon. The stealing of the Moon’s light in her time to shine makes me think of the earth as a jealous lover. This particular full Moon has a dis-empowering quality to it. Besides the Eclipse which has it’s own negative attachments and energies, and steals the light away from the Moon Goddess, the Moon is in the sign of the Sun in Leo and the Sun is in its sign of detriment, Aquarius. Sort of like having a parent in charge of a project but he’s injured and cranky, so he may not give the best guidance. We have some lovely aspects and some possibly delusional ones too, so the potential to tick along like all’s well with the world again could blind us, like the eclipse, to the realities we’ve been trying to ignore....

New Moon New Year

January 4, 2019

Happy New Year again! This New Moon feels more like a new year than January 1st did. I also feel this is an important beginning that will carry us through the next couple of years. We’ve gotten a taste of strong Saturn energy for the whole of 2018- since Saturn went into it’s own sign of Capricorn last December. The sense I’ve had from many people’s social media is 2018 was hard- it was for me. I felt like many times the fun got sucked right outta life. Don’t get me wrong, I had some great experiences and laughs- I met some incredible people and loved what I learned about myself and others, but I was taken to task, which is what Saturn does. I felt like there was a price to pay for any levity and some days, that price did not feel like a bargain....

New Year, New You…

December 31, 2018

Happy New Year! 2019 is rushing in…kinda. All I’m here to say is- hold off on the resolutions for a few days. Mars is moving into its own sign this evening (in this neck of the woods), and that means a fire will be lit under our butts. Saturn is in its own sign of Capricorn, so the attraction to making pragmatic changes will feel natural and the Sun is cozied up to Saturn shining a light on what we’re lacking in the ‘being a grown up” department. But then there’s Jupiter dancing away in optimistic Sagittarius telling us “You Can Do IT!” Well we can, just not right now. The Moon is finishing it’s cycle, and Venus and Mercury are going to change signs before the first week of January draws to a close, so change is on the agenda but starting now will only lead to disappointment and frustration with yourself. ...

Happy Solstice and Full Moon!!

December 21, 2018

  The full Moon is on us tomorrow but today is the Winter Solstice in this neck of the woods. Living in the northern part of the northern hemisphere, today is one of the best days of the year because it means the darkness is receding. The days will get a little longer- woo hoo! No offence to those who relish in the darkness. Good for you! I wish these short days didn’t kick the ever living snot out of my energy reserves, but they do- so this twinkle of hope that the light is seeping back in makes me feel just a little better about the 5 more months of the snow and dirt and dead trees we have to endure in this winter “wonderland”. Ugh. I read several times this week that astrologically this would be the easiest week....

New Moon Magic and Mayhem

December 6, 2018

The New Moon phase is about beginnings. Now’s a good time to make a wish and then a plan to make the wish come true. Daydreaming may feel right, but too much of anything can get you into trouble. It’s time to go deep to reexamine long held ideological beliefs. Are they serving you? It’s an emotional time, and yet, Saturn is still cracking the whip reminding us the clock is ticking, so putting in the hard work is still part of the planetary message. The potential for over reacting and misreading situations is high. Instead of fighting the intense emotions by reacting unreasonable or perhaps, masking them with your escape of choice (i.e. booze, drugs, TV, video games…) meditate on them, or try a healthy endorphin rush like exercise. There’s an incredible potential for creativity and spiritual awakening, but the process isn’t always comfortable, although necessary....

Jupiter Comes Home

November 6, 2018

This week is going to feel weird. Jupiter is going into it’s own sign and that’s a good thing. It brings optimism, idealism, but also loud opinions and subjectivity. It will have the potential to be lighter for sure, but with three planets in their own signs it will feel like different areas of life are fighting for attention. With Mercury in Sadge as well, it may be a case of who ever’s the loudest wins. What’s more is that the lunar nodes that have been in hard aspect to Uranus in fixed signs, which has brought a stale mate in people planting their feet in terms of who deserves their individual rights more than anyone else. It has lead to some real social grossness. Since those three things appear be moving backwards and about to change signs and modalities, we will see action, but in a backwards way....

Venus Retrograde Says- Competition is for Suckers

November 3, 2018

I listened to a webinar put together by an organization for astrologers. It was well over a month ago- long before Venus went into its retrograde cycle. The topic was building your online presence or something of the sort. The presenter was Nadiya Shah, a YouTube Astrological power house and Goddess extraordinaire. I’m going to paraphrase, but my take away was be yourself, you’re the only one who’s offering what you have to offer if you’re authentic, and if you’re true to this, there’s no such thing as competition…there’s no other you. When I was a hair stylist I practiced this. I never understood salons lying to clients when staff left, or trying to sabotage staff who moved on. In the end clients make their own decisions about what they need when and who they want to work with, no matter what the industry. I hadn’t applied it to my new career in astrology....

Full Moon Mash-Up

October 23, 2018

This is an incredible Full Moon. The Moon is in a sign it loves to be in. The Sun has Venus attached to it,  while the Moon is with Uranus. These four are creating a square to the lunar nodes. To have the planetary ruler of the Moon involved in this special lunation phase magnifies the directive. Change is inevitable, so how can you weather it? First of all, like all full Moons- let go. This one carries extra punch. People have been hanging on for dear life ever since Uranus went into Taurus back in May. All the repressed energy of the many retrograde planets in the summer let us ignore the shifts that were coming, and since those planets went direct, we’ve all been too busy to put much thought into what life has in store for us, but the time is here. We can’t ignore the changes happening around us, in our lives, in our politics, and in our world....

Remember to Play!

September 24, 2018

  It’s full Moon time again and it comes on the heels of the Sun moving into Libra. We had the start of Fall this past weekend in the northern hemisphere, but where I live, you’d have thought it was winter, and yes, I’m bitter about it. Astrologically speaking it’s an interesting time. Eight key points, planets and a comet are all at early degrees- between 0 and 5- so if you have key placements in your chart at early degrees you may feel very overwhelmed at this time. Because all of these things are in different elements and modalities the energy will be quite different depending on your individual chart. This can also be a very energized time. Overall there’s a call to action though, and the pressure to answer it could be stealing your sleep among other things that rejuvenate and bring health....

A New You

September 5, 2018

This is a big week astrologically. We have a few bodies changing signs, Saturn’s moving forward and a New Moon on Sunday. New Moon’s are a time to set goals and intentions- so 12:01 PM MST is the time to consciously make a plan. But what should you plan? The Sun and Moon will be in Virgo when they meet. The ruler of Virgo is Mercury which is also in Virgo, and the asteroid Pallas has just moved into Virgo- that’s some Goddess energy happening right there. At the time of the New Moon Venus will have just moved into Scorpio and will be opposing Uranus while Pallas, Saturn ad Uranus will be forming a grande trine at 2 degrees of the earth signs. The other player is Pluto making a nice aspect to the Sun and Moon. So what does all that mean for you?...

Here We Go!

August 27, 2018

What a busy weekend- astrologically speaking. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t sleep a wink past 4 AM. When I looked at the aspects for today I realized that’s right about the time the Moon was passing over Neptune in Pisces. I would normally interpret that as vivid and abstract dreams that feel really prophetic, and maybe this is how you experienced it. For me it was quite different: I have task master Saturn making a hard Aspect to my natal Uranus and Mercury. Mercury rules our thinking and Saturn reminds us (in my case incessantly these days) what we need to be doing. So, the lucidity of that Moon/Neptune combination was taken over by obsessive worry and mental self flagellation. The up swing is that I was up much earlier than usual, did laundry, dishes and wrote a blog post all before 8 AM. We had a full Moon yesterday and Mars is getting ready to move forward again, so there’s a feeling of anticipation- for some people it’s a revving of their engines....

The Force is Real

August 10, 2018

  If you haven’t heard- Eclipse/new Moon this weekend! This is a last chance to let go of that foolish pride, and figure out how your ego is standing in your way. New Moon’s are for planting seeds, so decide what you want and be prepared to do the work necessary to make it a reality. In the next weeks planets will start moving forward again, as will our lives, so having a plan will maximize the benefits of the coming shift. If you’re feeling anxious, just breath and remind yourself that you’re the best you can be in that moment. Ask for help when you need it, and if your job and life plan don’t involve bringing about world peace, remind yourself of that when things don’t go perfectly. There’s a distinct Venus vibe to this New Moon as it’s happening on her day, during her hour and she is the strongest planet at the time of the New Moon, so there is a feeling of indulgence and with Jupiter and Neptune playing kissy face, escaping for pleasure is a real pull now....

Lose Yourself

August 2, 2018

July is wrapped up, and it left some of us with messy emotional stuff. August will bring in some relief and resolution, but only if you’re putting in the effort. The eclipse may have dug up some really intense emotional sludge and the New Moon later in the month will provide the opportunity for you to create a plan to move out of it. Use what you’ve learned to create some wonderful change in your life, but I’ll say more about that closer to the 11th. Spontaneous outbursts of emotion or anger will ease up in the next few days, just know that anything that goes unresolved may come back to haunt you mid-September when Mars is moving forward and makes the same aspect to Uranus as it’s been making for the last 3 days. If approached from a healthy place, this can be an opportunity to put an emotional hurt around your individuality and independence to rest....

Let Go

July 26, 2018

This is a very significant time for a lot of people. It’s a time to let go for everyone but of course, depending on your individual chart, the significance will vary.  For everyone, we have to let go of  whatever is holding us back: ego attachments and control of the outcome are essential to progress. Take a look at how your ego drives may be getting in your way of solid emotional analysis and self expression. It’s healthier and will produce a better outcome if you use creativity rather than desperately seeking attention to get what you want. It’s a great time to put yourself out there creatively and see what you get back. Don’t let pride get in the way of resolution or forward motion. If you’re struggling, remember all solutions will require a certain measure of creativity to be effective. Exaggerating the truth to get what you want might be tempting, but will most likely backfire....


July 12, 2018

This evening we have a New Moon and solar eclipse, with the Sun and Moon together in Cancer. This new Moon is more intense since the Sun and Moon directly oppose Pluto. There’s a pull to balance power and fragility, and the key is letting go of the belief that the two are mutually exclusive. The power in fragility is what we are being asked to work with and respect. There is a defining quality to this moment in time for all of us with the Moon’s nodal axis standing still. Take time to stand in it- are your actions and beliefs in line with your goals and desires. Find what nourishes your soul and set intentions around that. We are letting things go, or should be, as we work to elevate ourselves beyond our current incarnation. Transformation is not comfortable but is necessary to take us to the next step....

Hard Work Ahead

June 27, 2018

Tonight’s full Moon is in Capricorn with the Sun in Cancer. Because of the Moon’s proximity to Saturn and it being the last planet the Moon has made contact with, not to mention the Moon is in Saturn’s sign, what we’re looking at are issues around responsibilities,  competency, hard work and accountability. Well- we’re not just looking at them casually when there’s that much energy in the same place it’s more like an urgent cry for attention in these areas of life and also in our character. We’ve been reevaluating these things in our lives since Saturn stationed during the second week of April. What the full Moon brings is clarity around what needs to go out of our lives to be more able to move into these Saturnian qualities effectively. I know this doesn’t sound fun, especially at the beginning of summer, but embracing it will allow the coming months…hell years…to run more smoothly....

Inaugural Horoscopes

June 21, 2018

Happy Solstice! If you’re in the north you’re enjoying the years longest day, and if you’re in the south you are gifted with the knowledge that from today the light is increasing. Enjoy my first set of Consult the Sky horoscopes as my solstice gift. XO  Cancer- This is your time of year! Enjoy the Sun beaming through your sign. There may be more emotional introspection than even you care to partake in right now. With your responsibilities glaring at you from across the room, now is a good time to reassess how to approach being a grown-up. I know it’s very tempting to escape under the covers with a liter of ice cream to binge watch something utterly distracting, but that decision will bite you in the butt down the line. Trust me, re-framing how you want to be a responsible adult will have pay offs later....

Please Release Me

June 18, 2018

I’ve mentioned before, the current astrological influences have been hard on some of us.  I had a particularly crappy week. No energy, no motivation, and a splash of self loathing- it’s been super fun. I finally realized the culprit again was Neptune (ok, not just Neptune, but God that guy drives me nuts). I’ve been watching it slowly creep up on my ascendant degree- your ascendant is what you project out to the world. Mine is Pisces, so I’m already a little hazy to people some times. I’m also very empathic. Neptune is a psychic-y planet and in Pisces it’s magnified, so I’ve been fascinated and terrified about what the conjunction to my ascendant will bring in April 2020. Perhaps I’ll become a shape-shifter, or just disappear in a puff of my own hot air. I was so fixated on my ascendant, I overlooked the fact the it was making a hard aspect to my natal Mars....

Through the Fog

June 1, 2018

Photo by Alexandru-Bogdan Ghita I was running my usual scan of Apps yesterday- Instagram, Twitter and Facebook- and saw a few references to this lovely grand water trine we were experiencing. This happens when we have planets at or close to the same degree and in all the signs of an element. So we can have grand Water, Fire, Earth or Air trines. Right now we have Venus in Cancer, Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. A friend had texted and mentioned how lovely this planetary energy was and I replied that it felt sad. “It’s like there’s all this promise, but since Venus aspects an unhappy Jupiter -people are grasping at straws of hope it feels like, and then Venus trines Neptune and the hope/inspiration floats away like a beautiful smoke image: like a Patronus. It gets closest to perfecting at the tail end of this full Moon phase which is desperate to hold on to the light…but I may be imprinting.”...

Good Luck and Be Safe Out There

March 30, 2018

It’s chocolate time! Whether you celebrate something or not, this weekend is usually an excuse for families to get together. There’s a lot going on in the sky right now and much of it has the potential to be challenging. With the Sun and retrograde Mercury in Aries on a crash course to each other, there’s room for ego getting in the way of communication and miscommunication. Friday and Saturday will have people wanting to play nice as the Moon is in Libra, but  in the middle of it all the Moon will be full -heightening emotions encouraging us to release unhealthy social attitudes. On Sunday, things get complicated as the Moon moves into deep and moody Scorpio. You might find you or others want to get to the root of long held emotional crap.  With Mars and Saturn having an important meeting  in the same degree in Capricorn, I’m going to say that disagreements will be productive in the long run, but none of this will be much fun....

Curb Your Enthusiasm

March 22, 2018

We’re in that time of year again. Mercury is stationing and about to enter its retrograde cycle. Mercury is in the sign of Aries which can be impulsive and quick thinking. It’s not long on memory, but quick with an idea. Emotional reactions may seem out of proportion to the situation. Some people will feel like their verbal filter is more like a sieve with things flying past your teeth faster than you can put the brakes on. I predict some back pedaling in some of our futures. There is a need to think before we speak at this time and it will not be easy, therefor this period will be marked with arguments and apologies. There will be times during this 4 week period where all of this can lead to productivity and necessary change, so look for ways to use this energy to move you forward at the end of the cycle....

A Whole Lotta Steam

March 15, 2018

We’re coming into an active weekend astrologically. We’ve been busy for the last couple of weeks with Jupiter having gone retrograde and Venus and Mercury moving into feisty Aries. These changes are being punctuated by a New Moon perfecting Saturday morning in these here parts. This New Moon has the Sun and Moon connecting with Chiron in the end degrees of Pisces, it’s time to set intentions involving what you’ve learned from having empathy, setting limits (boundaries) and listening to your intuition. Trusting in the flow of life and having faith you’re in the right place doing what you’re supposed to do is the message. Connected to Chiron, we must have this faith and trust regardless – or in spite of – how we may have been hurt in the past. Having Mercury and Venus joined in Aries says to do life with conviction and in your own way....

Here Comes a Full Moon

March 1, 2018

We have a full Moon in Virgo hitting today.  Virgo is about assimilation, health and efficiency. Get rid of what you don’t need in your diet. Take a good look at how you can trim the fat in every area of your life. “Less is more” is a Virgo phrase. Use this as your guiding principal as you decide what you don’t need in your emotional life right now. Full Moons have the potential to shine a flood light on what needs tweaking. It’ll be uncomfortable for many with that flood of fish energy on the opposing side. With Venus, Mercury, the Sun and Neptune all in Pisces, I’ve used that abundance of fishy water to get healthy in the pool. The Virgo Moon wants you to take care of yourself, but don’t waste all of your time on it or it’ll never last. Love your imperfections and remember- you are as perfect as you can be in this moment....

How I Entered This Dimension

March 1, 2018

Astrology started out as an interest for me in my teens. A friend brought the giant Encyclopedia of Astrology to school one day, and over the next few weeks, in our spare time, we manually calculated our astrological charts. I don’t know how we did, but we had gotten them right. What I learned about myself then was fun and interesting and a little enlightening. I read things about myself that made sense, and made me feel less of a star shaped peg in a triangular hole –  it resonated. Four years later I saw a professional astrologer. In that hour, I cried, I laughed, and I felt understood for the first time ever – I was hooked. Over the next 25 years my career was as a hairstylist, so I had a captive audience in the gathering of astrological information. I noticed patterns in Sun signs I’d never read in books, so I knew there had to be much more I didn’t know yet....